Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


The poop chart didn't have anything definative that I could tell.
The medication is 80mg/kg Lasalocid Sodium.

I have already made the conscious decision not to use any product using lasolocid sodium. It is an antibiotic and there are better alternatives. As I'm having difficult getting my hands on a chick starter with amprolium, I now have reverted to natural starter and keep amprolium on hand for any outbreaks.
Have you noticed any ataxia or twisting of the neck with the staggered gait ?
I have already made the conscious decision not to use any product using lasolocid sodium. It is an antibiotic and there are better alternatives. As I'm having difficult getting my hands on a chick starter with amprolium, I now have reverted to natural starter and keep amprolium on hand for any outbreaks.
Have you noticed any ataxia or twisting of the neck with the staggered gait ?

Yeah there does seem to be twisting in his neck ...he is really wonky all over. And pecking food is like a drunkard bobbing for apples. I hold him upright with the food so that the leg spasms don't send him all over the place and he can eat properly. Tonight I have wrapped him in a cloth and secured it around his body and lay him on his back. The leg spasms were getting crazy and he was scratching himself and wing feathers were being damaged...he snuggled down to sleep and is cradled on his back in the dust mask.
I got some Coccivet today and already mixed up a bucket. He has already had some mixed into his food (he won't drink so is on very wet mash with odd water force feeds) and I will dose everyone else starting tomorrow.

Im happier news, for the last week I have had his siblings free roaming with the main flock, including mama chook and her 6 babies! Many adventures for all! No more heat lamp too!
Today was the first day with everyone in the chook yard and tonight the first night in the coop. I went to check them at dark and found my babies under a tree so moved them in onto a pile of hay so I could shut the coop. No major injuries, just some bruised pride and such. The older hens are still a little testy and mama chook doesn't like when my babies pick on hers.
Is it too early in the morning to do a thank gawd it is the weekend dance?

Oooooh and a woo hooo, North Melbourne beat Essendon dance?

Those peacocks are beautiful Sam

Howdy Pennae, welcome, nice to see you found us

Aaaaw adorable little bubbers!

Sidhe13 sounds like your little one is a fighter; I hope he hangs in there

Ah, the joys of integration!

Crystal and KiKi turn 9 weeks old on Monday and Cilla is still being a wonderful mumma, it doesn’t look like there is going to be any cord cutting in the near future.

The broody coop and run back onto the main coop and run and when I have no little ones, they all open up into one big coop and run.

For the last couple of weeks, when the big gals are out free ranging, I have been opening it up into one so that Cilla can give the bubs a grand tour without any hassles from the aunties. They have been exploring and learning where the hiding spots are for when full on integration happens.

During free range, I have been putting up a temporary fence in the garden but still attached to their coop, so that while mum and bubs are technically coming out of the coop/run and in the garden, socialisation is still through wire and they are learning to run back to their coop if spooked.

Today, the little ones are going to get a couple of hours complete free range in the garden while the big gals are still in the run. This will give them a chance to get used to the big wide world without containment and also learn where the hidey holes are and when to run back into the coop.

The plan is to do this for a couple of weekends and then hopefully, when they are comfortable in the garden, everyone can come out at the same time.

Everyone has plenty of room at the moment in their separate areas so integration does not need to be done in a hurry.

My only problem is that I do not have ear plugs which I will need when the aunties are bitterly complaining “how come they are free ranging and we are not”

It is going to be fun watching Cilla show her bubs all her favourite spots in the garden .. "and this is where you can have a nice dust bath" ... "over here is a good spot for grubs" .. "if you stand over there on the deck and look cute, you get meal worms" ... "over there is the fish pond, best not to try and fly over it cos us little bantams fly like rocks and sink like them also" etc
Yeah there does seem to be twisting in his neck ...he is really wonky all over. And pecking food is like a drunkard bobbing for apples. I hold him upright with the food so that the leg spasms don't send him all over the place and he can eat properly. Tonight I have wrapped him in a cloth and secured it around his body and lay him on his back. The leg spasms were getting crazy and he was scratching himself and wing feathers were being damaged...he snuggled down to sleep and is cradled on his back in the dust mask.
I got some Coccivet today and already mixed up a bucket. He has already had some mixed into his food (he won't drink so is on very wet mash with odd water force feeds) and I will dose everyone else starting tomorrow.

Im happier news, for the last week I have had his siblings free roaming with the main flock, including mama chook and her 6 babies! Many adventures for all! No more heat lamp too!
Today was the first day with everyone in the chook yard and tonight the first night in the coop. I went to check them at dark and found my babies under a tree so moved them in onto a pile of hay so I could shut the coop. No major injuries, just some bruised pride and such. The older hens are still a little testy and mama chook doesn't like when my babies pick on hers.

I'd be inclined to add some multi vitamins to the water because these symptoms are sounding like wryneck. A quick way to get thiamine in the feed is to dissolve some Vegemite in hot water and add to the feed.

It's also important to remember that after 2 months of storage any vits added to commercial feed starts to break down. Check the bags for use by dates.
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