Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning Friends

Tee hee at your little one pecking at Carl appps

While it is not a book
, I did write a piece on the My Chickens page and I am pretty stoked that it got chosen for Pic of the Week
I've spent the last few days working on tackling some of the last few areas which are left over from my hoarding. I made huge progress and now am -completely- exhausted.

On my way in tonight to put my son to bed, I noticed that one of my roosters has purple tips on his comb and is wheezing. That suggests a respiratory infection of some kind to me but I'm not sure how best to treat it. I'm open to suggestions. This one is totally new to me. My boy seems otherwise fine so far, if a little winded after a round of chasing another rooster.
I've spent the last few days working on tackling some of the last few areas which are left over from my hoarding.  I made huge progress and now am -completely- exhausted.  

On my way in tonight to put my son to bed, I noticed that one of my roosters has purple tips on his comb and is wheezing. That suggests a respiratory infection of some kind to me but I'm not sure how best to treat it.  I'm open to suggestions.  This one is totally new to me.  My boy seems otherwise fine so far, if a little winded after a round of chasing another rooster.

The stress of fighting off the other roo may bring these symptoms to the surface. The dark coloration in the comb suggests circulation problems.
The stress of fighting off the other roo may bring these symptoms to the surface. The dark coloration in the comb suggests circulation problems.
He's had darkening tips of his comb before (he's got a large, single comb) on and off but nothing like this and never accompanied by the wheezing. I'll start by separating him from the other roosters for a few days, give him an opportunity to relax a little.

Everyone's a bit thrown off lately. We've had new hens arrive (though they're still in quarantine) and everyone's started hiding eggs, the roosters are getting irritable, two hens are out of commission brooding eggs or chicks, my husband was on the roof of the garage today cutting branches that were threatening it and you'd have thought there was a 7 foot fox on a glittering unicycle parading through our yard with how they were carrying on.
Hi guys just popping in to say the chicks are 4 weeks old today and I got some pictures for a game of "rooster or pullet" will put some photos in the appropriate forum once baby girl is in bed and share the link here if you'd like to play :)
Cho and ginny are still broody. I think I'm going to try the water dunk tomorrow, any other tips?
Good morning Friends

Tee hee at your little one pecking at Carl appps

While it is not a book
, I did write a piece on the My Chickens page and I am pretty stoked that it got chosen for Pic of the Week

I have done a search putting in just the two words "My Chickens" ... and it came up with many titles of very different pages, one of which was about pics of chickens --- but I cannot find your post.
Went back 3 pages, perhaps I need to reverse more ?

I do have trouble negotiating this website ( as I've mentioned before ) .... exactly where are the photo's Teila. ? Would so like to see your pix, and the commendation for pic of the week.

Cheers .....
I have done a search putting in just the two words "My Chickens" ... and it came up with many titles of very different pages, one of which was about pics of chickens --- but I cannot find your post.  
Went back 3 pages, perhaps I need to reverse more ? 

I do have trouble negotiating this website ( as I've mentioned before ) .... exactly where are the photo's Teila.  ?   Would so like to see your pix, and the commendation for pic of the week.    

Cheers .....   

If you go to the websites main page you should find a link to it up the top of the page. They tend to feature three threads each week and hers is one of those.

That's the only way I could find it. I never have any luck searching for articles, even if it's my own lol
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The stress of fighting off the other roo may bring these symptoms to the surface. The dark coloration in the comb suggests circulation problems.
I think you're definitely on to something with the suggestion of stress. I separated him just last night and this morning so that he didn't have to worry about dealing with the other roosters before bed and before I let them out. When I did let him out, his comb was genuinely back to normal for the first time in days. I'm going to spend a bit of time today converting the shed so that I can use it as a time out place for chickens who might need a little quiet.

This is actually kind of convenient, as I need to work on the shed anyway. The "shed" is a 100(ish) year old wash house which is laundry on one side and proper storage shed on the other but with no genuine wall between - a space of about 1m x 2m open between them. I spent a good portion of yesterday chasing Grendel out of there who was sassing me and telling me that she was going to lay an egg in there whether I liked it or not, trying to walk right around me like I just wasn't going to see her or like I was just joking the previous 50 times I said, 'GET OUT, GRENDEL.'

She's probably mad at me for giving her a boy's name. I hope not, or I may end up with Gandalf and Brian Blessed plotting against me.
Good morning Friends

tandykins I am sorry to read that your rooster was a bit under the weather but it sounds like he has perked up this morning; hopefully it was just the after effects of the scuffle.

Tee hee .. love the mental picture “7 foot fox on a glittering unicycle” conjures up
and Grendel’s determination.

Many years ago I remember sitting down one morning with a cup of coffee and turned on the television to watch the news. Because my son was very young, the television was last on the cartoon network. So I was greeted by a cartoon of a young lady being mugged and next minute these humungous mice on motor bikes rocked up and rescued her from the muggers .. she is so relieved and thanking them …. Seriously? 6ft mice riding motor bikes?? “Thank You”??? Yeah, that is how you react to that .. you wouldn’t be running away with your arms waving in the air, screaming at the top of your lungs

ChristieB I like to play the ‘rooster or pullet’ game but my skill set is such that they are purely always guesses

appps thank you for sharing the link. Anniebee there is a link to the article in my signature also.

So, between the downpours yesterday, I still managed to let the girls have some free range time and stripped the coop, washed it and rehit with the surface spray when dry. This appears to have been precautionary only as I did not see one bug during the whole process

Forgive me my silliness but I was happy dancing around the lounge room last night …. I love animals [except Crows
] and one of the reasons for having the ponds and all the greenery in the garden was to encourage frogs. Nothing in the first two years but I did manage to entice a couple of Pobblebonk frogs who have ‘returned’ each year for the past three years.

Well, last night there was the outline of what looked like a very large slug on the front window but on closer inspection it was a baby Green Tree Frog!!

I have lived in this house 6 years and this is the first GTF I have seen … pretty exciting for me … now I just have to hope that (s)he [and hopefully siblings] stay out of sight of the gals

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