Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

appps yep, I agree with Fancy, coffee, chair and maybe a good book .. I just hope your day is better weather-wise than ours .. while not actually raining, I think the sun is taking a day off.

I am sitting here waiting for the last load of washing to finish so I can get it out on the line in the hopes it will dry; then it is off to do the grocery shopping; back to make broccoli cheese, clean the gals’ water containers, sweep, hopefully bring the washing back in etc etc …. Hubby and the gals are having a great time, they are pottering around the garden and he is watching them
We actually have a sunny day for a change here, suspect it won't last into the week though.

Well all is going well, penny and al are scared of them lol, carl, pepper and colonel while taking a close look (carl got pecked again for her trouble) are ignoring them and winry has given them a couple pecks but mostly because they were playing chasings with a blue jacaranda flower right under her nose and she thought it must have been something they should give her. was a bit too smooth and easy, I'm waiting for the catch lol

Edited to add well that went far too easily. The kids just ran round and played and the grown ups ignored them. It was actually easier than when we put penny back with pepper at 7 weeks last year as that time they attacked the mum penny. This time nothing other than a little peck for being annoying with the flower.

The big girls went to bed but the kids could be still seen running round the run bouncing on each other and refusing to go to bed lol. Seems all kids are the same :)

I think I have to say out of all the 3 times we have added new birds this time incubating and then adding at 5 weeks has been by far the easiest.
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If you go to the websites main page you should find a link to it up the top of the page. They tend to feature three threads each week and hers is one of those.

That's the only way I could find it. I never have any luck searching for articles, even if it's my own lolThank you so much for the direction to read Teilas' fantastic story about her journey in learning, and loving her chickens.

Thank you so much appps ... for the link to finding Teilas' wonderful story of her learning about and love for, her chickens - - - and their chickenaliities !! .

So enjoyed every word of it. The photos' are beautiful. Doesn't matter that I could not find the commendation..... the story and photographs were worth it, and more.

Cheers ......
Teila .... !

appps kindly posted a link, as per below centred, that I could go to, to enjoy your most interesting and many times very funny story about your learning journey with your much loved chickens.

appps said -
" If you go to the websites main page you should find a link to it up the top of the page.

They tend to feature three threads each week and hers is one of those. "

I did get your comment in your post as well, as to how to find your story. Thank you.

The story, the photos were excellent, and you deserved the commendation you received. I did find you featured in another area, so presume that was the accolade.

Well done - well written - and most enjoyable. Having only 3 chooks ( although I keep promising myself at least a couple of frizzles but area size and coops is still the main problem against it ) .... I do not have any fun stories to tell.
Except their daily doings which is always fun to watch and be connected with, inside or outside their runs - or when they are free ranging.

Occasionally, discussion arises as to whether we sell and move, or stay put. My first thought is always "what about the chooks" ... next to that - "what about Miss Ruby ? " ( yard size, garden size, areas for coops and run size, areas safe for dog etc. ) ... and it is then - again - put on the back burner. Ah well, if we are meant to move, then we will - with chickens, dog and a humungous amount of hoarded collectives, from over the years. ( the thought literally terrifies me actually !!!

Cheers .....
We actually have a sunny day for a change here, suspect it won't last into the week though.

Well all is going well, penny and al are scared of them lol, carl, pepper and colonel while taking a close look (carl got pecked again for her trouble) are ignoring them and winry has given them a couple pecks but mostly because they were playing chasings with a blue jacaranda flower right under her nose and she thought it must have been something they should give her. was a bit too smooth and easy, I'm waiting for the catch lol

Edited to add well that went far too easily. The kids just ran round and played and the grown ups ignored them. It was actually easier than when we put penny back with pepper at 7 weeks last year as that time they attacked the mum penny. This time nothing other than a little peck for being annoying with the flower.

The big girls went to bed but the kids could be still seen running round the run bouncing on each other and refusing to go to bed lol. Seems all kids are the same :)

I think I have to say out of all the 3 times we have added new birds this time incubating and then adding at 5 weeks has been by far the easiest.

I will start integrating my chicks when they finish this bag of medicated feed, they are only separated by a mesh panel so everyone is used to each other already but I don't want the layers eating the chicks food,
With Cho last time it happened accidentally she got over the fence and the chicks followed, she obviously wanted to be back on the roost with the others and that was that, the araucana who is now 12 weeks still gets pushed around if there's treats involved but there's no drama otherwise, it was just difficult to cater to everyone's different food requirements. I'm happy with my current setup with the chicks so I'm in no rush.

Cho and ginny have earned themselves a spell in the quarantine coop, I blocked the nestbox and removed the tray and all but a thin layer of shavings, so there's nowhere to hunker down, checked them just before and they are both roosting on the perch so fingers crossed they will be back in business soon!

Looks like someone's heading into moult, judging from the feathers I'm seeing everywhere and her smaller than usual eggs i think it's Parvati, everyone else is looking a bit scruffy too, particularly Lily and petunia the isa Browns, I don't know how old they are as they were laying when I got them so have been waiting for a moult for a while, hopefully it's over quick!

Back on the topic of tv, I admit I'm a bit of a fuddy duddy or maybe just boring but I'm only 26 so my childhood wasn't really that long ago, it's amazing how much things have changed in just 20 years.
My boys love to watch dr who with me, probably because it's after their bedtime so they get to stay up "late" hopefully I'm doing my bit to raise good whovians, or at the very least good scifi fans :) next stop is starwars,
I will start integrating my chicks when they finish this bag of medicated feed, they are only separated by a mesh panel so everyone is used to each other already but I don't want the layers eating the chicks food,
With Cho last time it happened accidentally she got over the fence and the chicks followed, she obviously wanted to be back on the roost with the others and that was that, the araucana who is now 12 weeks still gets pushed around if there's treats involved but there's no drama otherwise, it was just difficult to cater to everyone's different food requirements. I'm happy with my current setup with the chicks so I'm in no rush.

Yes that has proved to be my little hiccup. I put the big girls feed a bit higher thinking that would keep them out of it but it didn't even slow them down so I now need a plan B. I'm going to have to go buy some chick grower and give it to everybody with just one layer food container very high which then the bantams won't be able to reach so I need a calcium plan b.

I've been noticing Carl is a bit not quite right again. Nothing I can put my finger on, just she always seems to be the one resting while the others are still wandering round when I let them out on the grass.
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Good morning Friends

First up and most importantly, I would like to thank you all for your kind comments regarding Bambrook Bantams and Picture of the Week … still being a relative newbie to chickens, I am stoked that we were chosen and while I think my gals are beautiful, it is always nice to hear it from someone else

appps I am so pleased to read that the integration went well and you had some sunshine.

That old question “What follows two days of rain in Brisbane? …. Monday!” is once again a fact. Apparently today is going to be sunny.

By yesterday evening I was a tad peeved regarding the weather; no lawn mowing on Saturday because of the rain and no sweeping on Sunday because of the very strong winds.

Anniebee being renters, the possibility of having to move is always hanging over our heads and yes, the thought is terrifying … Moving is apparently up there with getting married and starting a new job on the ‘Stressful List’ of things to do.

So, KiKi has laid her first egg since her bout of broodiness and Cilla is up to 7 eggs .. any day now

This morning the girls were up .. the sun was not quite up .. I was technically ‘up’ but not sure if I was awake … snapped this pic of some visitors who were definitely up and brought a smile to my face … we do not see many Pink & Greys around here:

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Back on the topic of tv, I admit I'm a bit of a fuddy duddy or maybe just boring but I'm only 26 so my childhood wasn't really that long ago, it's amazing how much things have changed in just 20 years.
My boys love to watch dr who with me, probably because it's after their bedtime so they get to stay up "late" hopefully I'm doing my bit to raise good whovians, or at the very least good scifi fans
next stop is starwars,

Don't worry about being "a bit of a fuddy duddy". I'm also just wildly on the other end of the spectrum of hedonist hippie. XD Everyone told me that I'd become more and more conservative as I got older but the exact opposite seems to be true for me.

My son -loves- Doctor Who and was the one who helped me get over my weird anxiety issue with series. While I don't have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder I can be really weird with series of any kind in that I have to consume them in the order in which they were published, whether or not that makes any sense. I have 4-5 Obsessive-Compulsive quirks like that which are minor and don't control my life, but are still quite irritating - mostly to those around me.

I love Doctor Who but I started with the original series. Because there are many missing episodes I'd get stuck a lot. I'd be able to push past that but I'd tend to just stop watching for a time because there were missing episodes. People kept trying to get me to just move on to the more recent series' but I refused until my son picked up the XBox controller and started himself some Doctor Who. That was that. Apparently I was going to be watching the new stuff whether I liked it or not. XD

Now to get me to stop reading the Discworld books in the published order which makes no sense at all because they should not be read in order. XD

I have problems, y'all.

Re: Star Trek, I never really got it. Fine series, just doesn't do it for me really. I'm more of a Star Trek girl - or really, a Firefly fangirl.
You can have some of the approximately 7,000 I have which roost overnight in the elms in my yard. They're a nuisance and eat all of my plums. -_-. If you go out there at night and shine a flashlight into a tree you're greeted to a chorus of alarmed shrieking.
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Good morning Friends :frow First up and most importantly, I would like to thank you all for your kind comments regarding Bambrook Bantams and Picture of the Week … still being a relative newbie to chickens, I am stoked that we were chosen and while I think my gals are beautiful, it is always nice to hear it from someone else ;) appps I am so pleased to read that the integration went well and you had some sunshine. That old question “What follows two days of rain in Brisbane? …. Monday!” is once again a fact. Apparently today is going to be sunny. By yesterday evening I was a tad peeved regarding the weather; no lawn mowing on Saturday because of the rain and no sweeping on Sunday because of the very strong winds. Anniebee being renters, the possibility of having to move is always hanging over our heads and yes, the thought is terrifying … Moving is apparently up there with getting married and starting a new job on the ‘Stressful List’ of things to do. So, KiKi has laid her first egg since her bout of broodiness and Cilla is up to 7 eggs .. any day now ;) This morning the girls were up .. the sun was not quite up .. I was technically ‘up’ but not sure if I was awake … snapped this pic of some visitors who were definitely up and brought a smile to my face … we do not see many Pink & Greys around here:
Great pic. You know how you hate crows? Baby galahs are worse., :lau We have a group of probably 20 land in the tree outside our front door at night to sleep which is fine but the racket they make when they have babies is something else.
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