Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I hope they don't count chicks in our 15 bird council limit as there is only four out of I think it was 38 locked down that have not pipped. I do have a dozen or so going to the pet store tomorrow morning.

They are so dam cute. Best thing about being rural, no limits as to the babies I can have here

What breed are your babies?.. (Sorry I am nosey)
They are so dam cute. Best thing about being rural, no limits as to the babies I can have here

What breed are your babies?.. (Sorry I am nosey)

Aracuana hens x many breeds of rooster, and a silkie rooster and a frizzled rooster x silkie, RIR and mixed breed hens. Hoping for some sizzles, but will see what I keep when I know what hens I've got. Already got my 15 birds outside, but will cull spare roosters based on how many frizzled and silkie feathered I get out of these.
Wow its been 11 days since i was on! Not reading the 4 pages since but ive read this last page.

Normally they will sort it out themselves if you give them a chance as you said some can take the moving up a little to serious. I have an answer for you.. Get some more pekins :lau I have a couple of babies here with your name on them :lau Hey, she wont have as far to move up the order that way :lau Seriously though i hope they sort it out soon for you.

Lol, love the comeback there about needing ur pekins! From the replies @Teila i can see ur girls have had some disagreements! Hopefully u wont need to think about rehoming theyll get in their grove and be fine.

Awful fires again. Hope everyone down there stays safe. Have we got any members that direction?

I havent been watching the news.. AB said she had them in the Dandenong ranges?? Im not sure where that is but guessing NSW? Hopefully no deaths or mahor losses like there were here a couple weeks back.


Could say my girls are now rather happy with me after I collected all these for them.

Oh theyd be so happy! Welcome? I dont think ive seen u before, are u new to our thread? Sorry i havent been on for a lil while!

Well we had 4 days straight of 40-45 degrees here! We were the hottest town in the country yesterday or the day before. Chickens havent coped real well but thankfully everyone has held on. Today we had a lot of rain and i even put a jumper on!

Tonight i went to change the hay in the nest boxes when i shut them in only to find that one was occupied... Another broody!! :-D from the looks of it in the dark im guessing its B2 but i guess ill find out in the morning.

Very excited to have yet more baby chicks running about soon as the others are just SOO big now! But also a bit worried as my girls have beaten up saddles from when my 2 went broody earlier this season. Another hen down again is not good

Hope ur all managing to sit back and relax for a few minutes a day in this busy period. Someone here got to read a whole book! Well done! Think it was u teila? Bet u enjoyed that.

Oh and from the replies im guessing @Fancychooklady someone close to ur daughter has been killed in a car accident from inexperience? Very sorry to hear that it is just so awful and such a tragedy when these things happen xx

All the best!
Hey everyone...

I'm from the western suburbs of sydney, just hatched myself some lovely babies, one Mille Fleur D'uccle, an Araucana and three light sussex babies to go with my batch of older crossbreed chickens (mostly small bantamy things)...Im hoping at least one of these babies (the D'uccle would be lovely) is a rooster, because we've been without one for over a year, thanks to our neighbour's jack russell terrier.

Anyhow, yeah, it looks like we are going to have an awfully hot summer, and I'm unsure when it would be safe to put the babies out in such awful heat. I went outside today and it was like stepping into an oven.
Hey everyone...

I'm from the western suburbs of sydney, just hatched myself some lovely babies, one Mille Fleur D'uccle, an Araucana and three light sussex babies to go with my batch of older crossbreed chickens (mostly small bantamy things)...Im hoping at least one of these babies (the D'uccle would be lovely) is a rooster, because we've been without one for over a year, thanks to our neighbour's jack russell terrier.

Anyhow, yeah, it looks like we are going to have an awfully hot summer, and I'm unsure when it would be safe to put the babies out in such awful heat. I went outside today and it was like stepping into an oven.

If they're only just hatched, it would be better to keep them inside until March, but you could let them out to play on the low to mid 30's days
Rodney Rooster said :

" I havent been watching the news.. AB said she had them in the Dandenong ranges?? Im not sure where that is but guessing NSW? Hopefully no deaths or mahor losses like there were here a couple weeks back. " .....

The Dandenong Ranges is east of Melbourne, Victoria. We have not had any fires here in recent days, thank heaven.

I was referrring to one I had to escape from in the car ( with 2 dogs and 4 cats ) back in 1997. This area is one of very high risk for bush fires --- it is mountainous and where there are not houses - it is usually all bush, and high canopy - mountain ash and heaps of eucalypts ( which are the most treacherous in bush fires, as they literally explode ). .

Every summer I say to myself - - "Why on EARTH do we live here " ... but for the other 8 - 9 months of the year am very happy that we do, with all the gorgeous birds that abound,
it is a really beautiful place, especially in Autumn. Attracts bus-loads of visitors - mostly international and hundreds of suburban folk who come up here for the day. So much to see.

South Australia gets hit very hard - and those temperatures ??? .... we have had a few nasty bushfires these past few days when SA passed it's over-hot weather on to us.
Sad to know of losses in South Aust. recently too.

No-one killed here, thank goodness, but there have been property, livestock and pet losses. Always bad and sad news.

Cheers ......
[COLOR=333333]Rodney Rooster said  :  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=A52A2A]" I havent been watching the news.. AB said she had them in the Dandenong ranges?? Im not sure where that is but guessing NSW? Hopefully no deaths or mahor losses like there were here a couple weeks back. " ..... [/COLOR]

The Dandenong Ranges is east of Melbourne, Victoria.   We have not had any fires here in recent days, thank heaven.  

I was referrring to one I had to escape from in the car ( with 2 dogs and 4 cats )  back in 1997.   This area is one of very high risk for bush fires --- it is mountainous and where there are not houses - it is usually all bush, and high canopy - mountain ash and heaps of eucalypts ( which are the most treacherous in bush fires, as they literally explode ). . 

Every summer I say to myself - -  "Why on EARTH  do we live here " ... but for the other 8 - 9 months of the year am very happy that we do, with all the gorgeous birds that abound, 
it is a really beautiful place, especially in Autumn.   Attracts bus-loads of visitors - mostly international and hundreds of suburban folk who come up here for the day.   So much to see.    

South Australia gets hit very hard - and those temperatures ???    .... we have had a few nasty bushfires these past few days when SA passed it's over-hot weather on to us. :(    Sad to know of losses in South Aust. recently too.   

No-one killed here, thank goodness, but there have been property, livestock and pet losses.   Always bad and sad news.   

Cheers ...... 

I was quite impressed with that fire shelter that couple survived in a few years back that wouldn't have gotten out if trying to escape. With them occurring so often these days do you get a lot of people building them down there now?
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Hey everyone...

I'm from the western suburbs of sydney, just hatched myself some lovely babies, one Mille Fleur D'uccle, an Araucana and three light sussex babies to go with my batch of older crossbreed chickens (mostly small bantamy things)...Im hoping at least one of these babies (the D'uccle would be lovely) is a rooster, because we've been without one for over a year, thanks to our neighbour's jack russell terrier.

Anyhow, yeah, it looks like we are going to have an awfully hot summer, and I'm unsure when it would be safe to put the babies out in such awful heat. I went outside today and it was like stepping into an oven.

Chicks require a temp of 90-95 F which equates to somewhere in the mid 30's C . I generally don't put mine outside till they are a few weeks old , and even then ,
Only for a few hours at a time. This link is always very useful when raising chicks. Today we a getting some nice light showers. A huge relief from yesterday's scorcher. :)
Hey everyone...

I'm from the western suburbs of sydney, just hatched myself some lovely babies, one Mille Fleur D'uccle, an Araucana and three light sussex babies to go with my batch of older crossbreed chickens (mostly small bantamy things)...Im hoping at least one of these babies (the D'uccle would be lovely) is a rooster, because we've been without one for over a year, thanks to our neighbour's jack russell terrier.

Anyhow, yeah, it looks like we are going to have an awfully hot summer, and I'm unsure when it would be safe to put the babies out in such awful heat. I went outside today and it was like stepping into an oven.

Hi and welcome. Your babies will do fine outside if you can find a shady tree etc. Mine go out on the grass full time from 3 weeks and we often get temps in the 40's up here. I have quite a few Duccles now and i love them all such big personalities in such little bodies.
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