Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Think I can finally sex some of my Belgian babies now so please meet My 2 millie fleur hens Fancy and Appps

They do have a boyfriend named Ash but he wouldn't come out for a picture.
and also
Anniebee hiding in the house and rodney her man out the front

Pretty sure this one is going to be called Teila (who else could i name the frizzy after ) but i'm not 100% on her sex yet but fingers crossed she is a girl.

and for the last of my photo bombing the grow out marans

Note the Belgians in the small houses are weeding the vege garden.

I was quite impressed with that fire shelter that couple survived in a few years back that wouldn't have gotten out if trying to escape. With them occurring so often these days do you get a lot of people building them down there now?

Hello again appps ....

Interesting question you have asked. I have heard of a few people installing bunkers on their properties, in bush fire prone areas, but Victoria is vehement when it comes to 'what to do and when' instructions. It used to be that we could choose a fire plan - "stay or leave" ... but nowadays it is promoted to 'leave early'. .... I am not sure what happened to the choice we had. !!

We are covered by text advice - - and computer / phone, to warn us of impending danger. A few years back a policeman was running ( in highest heat ) knocking on everyones' door to yell " activate your fire plans".... and if anyone was home and answered the knocking so much the better for him. We were home, and it was just awful to see his extreme sweating, gasping for air, discomfort, ( I offered him water, but he refused and ran on ).

Poor guy - he was already exhausted by the time he got to our home - and had several streets to go I would think - certainly the remainder of our street. We stayed on that occasion, with two good hoses either side of the house - at the ready for drifting fire embers from a fire about 1 mile away as the crow flies. Lighted embers did get to us, but were quickly put out.

Here is a link if you are interested ( I am guessing you are South Australian ? ) .... for bunkers. They are very expensive --- but would be a superb idea. Perhaps they will come down in price, much the same as everything else does - eventually. Also, roof sprinklers are popular here - again for those who can afford them.

There is a theory that staying put, with doused water, woollen blankets, wet nose coverings saves lives. I can attest to that, as a house two doors from us went up in flames one Monday morning about 4 years back. Full on fire, which caught next doors as well on fire. I was out hosing our roof and guttering ( big shock to open the door and see all that happening ) ... and a fireman leapt over our side fence and said to me " go get yourself a wet washer or towel to cover your nose and face " ... and then left to continue to fight the fire. I did as I was told, but drenched badly, the towel I put on my face, which ultimately kind of choked me with water ???
... so I left it off, and continued to hose down the house.. .... At around 11 pm that night, I coughed up some sputum flecked with grey and black bits. I had suffered ( unbeknown to me ) smoke inhalation, and probably should have been seen by a medic. Got rid of it over the next couple of days.

THAT was a most awful day, and not in bush fire season either. ( mid September it was, and mild ). Started ( they believe ) by a PC or other electrical device, left on when the owner went shopping ?? 4 entire blocks of houses were blocked off to traffic for that one. About 9 fire crews and vehicles, attended. It was --- nasty.

The family are finally back in their rebuilt ( from the ground up - it was completely razed ) .... home.

And that - is fire. Terrifying stuff.

And yes, ( in answer to your question ) we are designated rural - in the hilly, forested areas east of Melbourne. In fact, it is one of the closest of rain forest areas to a CBD, in the world. ( or so I have read ). Thick forest, thick undergrowth bush abounds.

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Think I can finally sex some of my Belgian babies now so please meet My 2 millie fleur hens Fancy and Appps

They do have a boyfriend named Ash but he wouldn't come out for a picture.
and also
Anniebee hiding in the house and rodney her man out the front

Pretty sure this one is going to be called Teila (who else could i name the frizzy after ) but i'm not 100% on her sex yet but fingers crossed she is a girl.

and for the last of my photo bombing the grow out marans

Note the Belgians in the small houses are weeding the vege garden.

Well .... it had to happen. Had such a chuckle that you have named your chickens after a few members here, plus comments otherwise ...

And why not ... ??

Great pics too, satay .....

Cheers -
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Hello again appps .... 

Interesting question you have asked.    I have heard of a few people installing bunkers on their properties, in bush fire prone areas, but Victoria is vehement when it comes to 'what to do and when' instructions.   It used to be that we could choose a fire plan - "stay or leave" ... but nowadays it is promoted to 'leave early'.   ....  I am not sure what happened to the choice we had. !!    

We are covered by text advice   - - and  computer / phone, to warn us of impending danger.    A few years back a policeman was running ( in highest heat ) knocking on everyones' door to yell " activate your fire plans".... and if anyone was home and answered the knocking so much the better for him.   We were home, and it was just awful to see his extreme sweating, gasping for air, discomfort, ( I offered him water, but he refused and ran on ).

Poor guy - he was already exhausted by the time he got to our home - and had several streets to go I would think - certainly the remainder of our street.   We stayed on that occasion, with two good hoses either side of the house - at the ready for drifting  fire embers from a fire about 1 mile away as the crow flies.   Lighted embers did get to us, but were quickly put out.    

Here is a link if you are interested ( I am guessing you are South Australian  ? ) .... for bunkers.   They are very expensive --- but would be a superb idea.   Perhaps they will come down in price, much the same as everything else does - eventually.    Also, roof sprinklers are popular here - again for those who can afford them.

There is a theory that staying put, with doused water,  woollen blankets, wet nose coverings saves lives.   I can attest to that, as a house two doors from us went up in flames one Monday morning about 4 years back.   Full on fire, which caught next doors as well on fire.   I was out hosing our roof and guttering ( big shock to open the door and see all that happening ) ... and a fireman leapt over our side fence and said to me " go get yourself a wet washer or towel to cover your nose and face " ... and then left to continue to fight the fire.   I did as I was told, but drenched badly, the towel I put on my face, which ultimately kind of choked me with water ???  :rolleyes:   ... so I left it off, and continued to hose down the house..  .... At around 11 pm that night, I coughed up some sputum flecked with grey and black bits.   I had suffered ( unbeknown to me ) smoke inhalation, and probably should have been seen by a medic.  Got rid of it over the next couple of days.  

THAT was a most awful day, and not in bush fire season either.   ( mid September  it was, and mild ).  Started ( they believe ) by a PC or other electrical device, left on when the owner went shopping ??   4 entire blocks of houses were blocked off to traffic for that one.   About 9 fire crews and vehicles, attended.   It was --- nasty. 

The family are finally back in their rebuilt ( from the ground up - it was completely razed ) .... home.  

And that  - is fire.   Terrifying stuff.  

And yes, ( in answer to your question ) we are designated rural - in the hilly, forested areas east of Melbourne.    In fact, it is one of the closest of rain forest areas to a CBD, in the world. ( or so I have read ). Thick forest, thick undergrowth bush abounds.     

Oops pressed reply before i replied! Thanks for ur ovation words AB :)

Well i guess its much cheaper than rebuilding ur house or belongings if ur in a prone area. Only recommended to provide shelter for 1 hr tho?! Bushfire aint gonna be over in an hr so in that case it isnt worth it.. be better getting out before the fires there than half way through it when ur hrs up!

Scary stuff AB thanks for sharing :)
Sad news. Got home today and hubby said "I saw one of the chickens had got outside their yard and was trying to get back in when I got home".

That was an hour before I got home and I asked if he had put it back in. His reply "No I didn't think to" had me flying out the door. I located the poor thing under a small tree and tried to dropper some water in its mouth but it was too late and it died in my arms.

I will be clipping wings soon so no one can fly out again.
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Sad news. Got home today and hubby said "I saw one of the chickens had got outside their yard and was trying to get back in when I got home".

That was an hour before I got home and I asked if he had put it back in. His reply "No I didn't think to" had me flying out the door. I located the poor thing under a small tree and tried to dropper some water in its mouth but it was too late and it died in my arms.

I will be clipping wings soon so no one can fly out again.

Awwwwwww no! So sorry to hear that itd be terrible to lose her like that!

Usually my hubby does the same thing but says no they run away when i tried to catch them.

Very sad news :-(
Well .... it had to happen.    Had such a chuckle that you have named your chickens after a few members here, plus comments otherwise ... :lau  

And why not ... ??

Great pics too,  satay ..... 

Cheers - 

Thanks Anni. All the chickens that i hatch here most years are sold so with these little ones i am keeping i was standing in the garden thinking what do i call them. I looked at the the millie pen thinking oh your pretty and then i thought Fancy.. and it just continued from there. I looked at the next cage and went.. AnniB. Spoke to the person i got the eggs from yesterday and she confirms that Teila is indeed a girl :)
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