Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning Friends :frow

Cue music … Don’t tell my body, my achy breaky body, I just don’t think she’ll understand.

Tee hee .. so, does everyone have a song worm now? :lau

What we are not telling my achy body, after 9 hours in the garden yesterday .. today it is the housework!

sjturner79 how did you go at the Pet Store?  I have not seen chicks at a Pet Store before, only the Feed Store.

satay beautiful gifts!

RodneyRooster summed it up beautifully “funny, gorgeous and touching” … I would be honoured to share a name with such a beautiful little frizzy … fingers crossed on girl also :fl

If she does turn out to be a he, people may want to hold off on using Teila, it could be a jinx ;)

RodneyRooster lol at Scarlett and silly you for thinking that was YOUR apple .. tut :smack

My princesses do not eat apple :rolleyes:

Anniebee the fire stuff was interesting [and scary] reading.  Many, many years ago, I worked in the Burns Unit at a major hospital; if I can, in my opinion it is worse than ER.  So sad, so awful .. fire is not to be taken lightly.

While I am not at risk of bush fires, I do have an emergency plan and carriers ready to get the cats and chickens out.

locknest4 I am so very sorry to hear about your gal :(

Please do not think of this as a ‘you should have’ as it is not meant to be; just in case it happens again, or to anyone else …. I have a water container strategically placed in the garden, under a shady tree which they use when free ranging [saves going back to run].   I refresh it along with the ones in the run so it always has fresh water and they know where it is.

I also have a large water container in the back run and a smaller back up one in the front run, just in case one should get knocked over.

Yes lets not start a Teila jinx!
Mine dont really eat them either which is why i think she decided mine must have some special ingredients in it since i was eating it and enjoying it!
Thats a good idea to have pet carriers ready in case, i have actually never thought about that and think i will do the same - thanks.
Burns unit would be horrific, i dont envy u, but i do salute u! Ive always thought itd be great to work as a paramedic or nurse itd be so rewarding (i know theres a lot of bad sides of the jobs!) But i think i would be terrible with emergencies. Although i have basic knowledge of what to do and would always want to help out i tear up even thinking about it and was teary and shaking in the last first aid course i did.. and there was no one actually in danger! Boy are they all strong and invaluable people that do that sort of thing.

An hour in the bunker is all you need.  On Black Saturday the firefront passed through in half an hour.  The rest of the time until 1 am was spent looking for spot fires and smouldering fence posts.

Oh wow. Then id say its worth it in prone areas! Luckily i have never been in the situation (touch wood)
Yes lets not start a Teila jinx!
Mine dont really eat them either which is why i think she decided mine must have some special ingredients in it since i was eating it and enjoying it!
Thats a good idea to have pet carriers ready in case, i have actually never thought about that and think i will do the same - thanks.
Burns unit would be horrific, i dont envy u, but i do salute u! Ive always thought itd be great to work as a paramedic or nurse itd be so rewarding (i know theres a lot of bad sides of the jobs!) But i think i would be terrible with emergencies. Although i have basic knowledge of what to do and would always want to help out i tear up even thinking about it and was teary and shaking in the last first aid course i did.. and there was no one actually in danger! Boy are they all strong and invaluable people that do that sort of thing.
Oh wow. Then id say its worth it in prone areas! Luckily i have never been in the situation (touch wood)

Just in case, I wanted to set the record straight that I do not deserve a salute, I was not a Nurse or Doctor etc; simply a Ward Clerk but as the whole Unit was 'sterile' my area was in among the patients and greens etc were worn.

It was horrific
and I now do have a fear of being badly burnt.
Just in case, I wanted to set the record straight that I do not deserve a salute, I was not a Nurse or Doctor etc; simply a Ward Clerk but as the whole Unit was 'sterile' my area was in among the patients and greens etc were worn.  

It was horrific :(  and I now do have a fear of being badly burnt.

Ok. But still give urself some credit u were the person on the front line of the place that seen and had to deal with everything. Ur the one that sets the mood and could no doubt give families hope and balance in times of fear.

Great job CC! Cant really tell, in the bottom left picture is that an air flow window?
Ok. But still give urself some credit u were the person on the front line of the place that seen and had to deal with everything. Ur the one that sets the mood and could no doubt give families hope and balance in times of fear.

Great job CC! Cant really tell, in the bottom left picture is that an air flow window?

Sure is
Has them in both sides. In winter I'll make covers but for now it'll keep the girls cool.
Hello everyone. Hope its ok to join this thread getting to confused with the overseas temps and locations. I am from comboyne nsw. We will be getting some australorp babies soon for the kids xmas. 5 chicks and a rooster all 2 & 1/2 weeks old. Its the first time i will be raising babies and was wondering if anyone has some good advice. I have a fully functional chicken run with coop mostly shaded withs spots of sun throuh the day. Was wondering what age i should start them in the chciken run/coop? Should i wait till they have feathers. The temp up here changes often so its not like a constant summer heat. Thanks in advance for any help
@chicken-clucky congrats on your chook shank! The chook run was our first build & I have the sneaking suspicion that it will be the first of many. Its the run version of chicken maths.

Sadly our fire risk has gone down due to the remaining bush being bulldozed down. I read a book on the Black Saturday fires a week after we bought our home & didn't sleep for two days after that, but several years later I'd much rather have my bush back & manage the risk.

This happened over our back fence last week - it's ALL gone now.

The developer replaced our back fence & put it a foot out on one side leaving a huge ditch as we have raised borders all around the fences as well as breaking a large terracotta pot that was just in front of the fence. They came on to join the fence up to the pool fence, fill in the ditch and replaced my pot - and yesterday I discovered that while they were here fixing stuff, they broke a pipe leading to the pool pump & quietly taped it up. Needless to say that doesn't work so if we switch our pool pump on water sprays everywhere.

My flock is fine though.
Hello everyone. Hope its ok to join this thread getting to confused with the overseas temps and locations. I am from comboyne nsw. We will be getting some australorp babies soon for the kids xmas. 5 chicks and a rooster all 2 & 1/2 weeks old. Its the first time i will be raising babies and was wondering if anyone has some good advice. I have a fully functional chicken run with coop mostly shaded withs spots of sun throuh the day. Was wondering what age i should start them in the chciken run/coop? Should i wait till they have feathers. The temp up here changes often so its not like a constant summer heat. Thanks in advance for any help

You will need to keep them under a heat light until they are at least 3 weeks old or have enough feathers. You could give them outside time if it is warm during the day and bring them back in at night. A good chick starter and water of course is really all they need. Good luck with your new little ones.
@chicken-clucky congrats on your chook shank! The chook run was our first build & I have the sneaking suspicion that it will be the first of many. Its the run version of chicken maths. Sadly our fire risk has gone down due to the remaining bush being bulldozed down. I read a book on the Black Saturday fires a week after we bought our home & didn't sleep for two days after that, but several years later I'd much rather have my bush back & manage the risk. This happened over our back fence last week - it's ALL gone now. :hit The developer replaced our back fence & put it a foot out on one side leaving a huge ditch as we have raised borders all around the fences as well as breaking a large terracotta pot that was just in front of the fence. They came on to join the fence up to the pool fence, fill in the ditch and replaced my pot - and yesterday I discovered that while they were here fixing stuff, they broke a pipe leading to the pool pump & quietly taped it up. Needless to say that doesn't work so if we switch our pool pump on water sprays everywhere. :mad: My flock is fine though.
I feel for you. My mum had something similar happen where she lives. Went from bush to units almost right up against the back fence. Hope you get your pump fixed soon .

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