Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning Friends

Congrats on finishing the chook shank chicken-clucky, good job

Thank you RodneyRooster

Howdy sinna4eva, Welcome to BYC and the thread; nice to meet you.

When you say “I have a fully functional chicken run with coop” and “first time raising babies”, do you have existing older chickens in the coop/run?

I agree with satay, maybe some day time excursions until they are fully feathered but if you have existing chickens; maybe a bit longer so that they can grow and fill out a bit more, making them that bit stronger on integration and possible bullying.

cwrite oh, how awful for you. If you live or buy in an existing developed area, you accept the surroundings but to once have had bushland and now to not, very sad

Not the same thing, but next door has a hedge on their side of the adjoining fence, so when I look out the kitchen windows, there is 6ft of fence and then an additional 6ft of beautiful green hedge. I came home from work one day and they had cut the hedge down to fence level .. I got such a shock; not only did the whole kitchen look different, the beautiful hedge view was replaced by a two story brick home. Granted it had always been there but I could not see it ... happily, the hedge has grown back.

Wow, they sure sound like the Dodgy Bros .. it would be a concern whether to get them back to fix the pipe they broke as you would have to weigh up the consequences of what else they may break in the process

Sorry, you may have mentioned previously, what are the Developers plans? Are they subdividing and selling off land parcels or building?

So, got the house work, washing etc all done yesterday; today is Christmas grocery shopping which may turn out to be worse than the already completed ‘dirty’ jobs
Hubby is coming along to give me a hand .. I may need to check our funds before we go, not so much for how much we can spend on groceries but moreso whether I have enough for bail money when he punches someone .. lol.

Also, popping next door to get final feeding instructions for Tangles and pool maintaining lessons .. then, wave goodbye to the neighbour; give his plane time to take off and then hit the pool! Lol
Good morning Friends :frow

Congrats on finishing the chook shank chicken-clucky, good job :thumbsup

Thank you RodneyRooster :hugs
Howdy sinna4eva, Welcome to BYC and the thread; nice to meet you.

When you say “I have a fully functional chicken run with coop” and “first time raising babies”, do you have existing older chickens in the coop/run?

I agree with satay, maybe some day time excursions until they are fully feathered but if you have existing chickens; maybe a bit longer so that they can grow and fill out a bit more, making them that bit stronger on integration and possible bullying.

cwrite oh, how awful for you.  If you live or buy in an existing developed area, you accept the surroundings but to once have had bushland and now to not, very sad :(   
Not the same thing, but next door has a hedge on their side of the adjoining fence, so when I look out the kitchen windows, there is 6ft of fence and then an additional 6ft of beautiful green hedge.  I came home from work one day and they had cut the hedge down to fence level .. I got such a shock; not only did the whole kitchen look different, the beautiful hedge view was replaced by a two story brick home.  Granted it had always been there but I could not see it ... happily, the hedge has grown back.

Wow, they sure sound like the Dodgy Bros .. it would be a concern whether to get them back to fix the pipe they broke as you would have to weigh up the consequences of what else they may break in the process :rant

Sorry, you may have mentioned previously, what are the Developers plans?  Are they subdividing and selling off land parcels or building?

So, got the house work, washing etc all done yesterday; today is Christmas grocery shopping which may turn out to be worse than the already completed ‘dirty’ jobs ;)   Hubby is coming along to give me a hand .. I may need to check our funds before we go, not so much for how much we can spend on groceries but moreso whether I have enough for bail money when he punches someone .. lol.

Also, popping next door to get final feeding instructions for Tangles and pool maintaining lessons .. then, wave goodbye to the neighbour; give his plane time to take off and then hit the pool! Lol :bow

Your hubby sounds like mine in the shops. He is good for carrying heavy stuff but besides that it is like having a fully grown 2 year old with you, you never know at any given point what he will get up to and whether you need to find a time out spot for him.:he
All 3 of us are off to the boxing day sales on the 26th. Son doesn't like crowds but loves a bargain so he puts up with it. I'm used to the crowds being a city chic for many years before moving out here and hubby well he comes along just to annoy us (he hates crowds, shops etc) i think but i send him to the car for time out if he can't behave :eek: and yes i have done exactly that on previous years :lau
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Your hubby sounds like mine in the shops. He is good for carrying heavy stuff but besides that it is like having a fully grown 2 year old with you, you never know at any given point what he will get up to and whether you need to find a time out spot for him.

All 3 of us are off to the boxing day sales on the 26th. Son doesn't like crowds but loves a bargain so he puts up with it. I'm used to the crowds being a city chic for many years before moving out here and hubby well he comes along just to annoy us (he hates crowds, shops etc) i think but i send him to the car for time out if he can't behave
and yes i have done exactly that on previous years

Tee hee satay, I am only letting hubby come along in case I forget something; especially as he is the turkey expert, does the stuffing, cooking etc. I do not want to have to go back to the shops until after Christmas, so hopefully the list and extra set of eyes should do the trick.

It is a fine line between having help and then forgetting something anyways because you apparently need to abuse all the idiots in the car park, fly up and down each isle at the speed of light, grabbing whatever you can, abuse dawdlers along the way and get out of there ASAP

Hubby does not play well with others .. lol
Tee hee satay, I am only letting hubby come along in case I forget something; especially as he is the turkey expert, does the stuffing, cooking etc.  I do not want to have to go back to the shops until after Christmas, so hopefully the list and extra set of eyes should do the trick.

It is a fine line between having help and then forgetting something anyways because you apparently need to abuse all the idiots in the car park, fly up and down each isle at the speed of light, grabbing whatever you can, abuse dawdlers along the way and get out of there ASAP ;)

Hubby does not play well with others .. lol :lau

Omg i married your hubbys twin. :lau
Oh yeah .. not a chance I could get hubby anywhere near a Boxing Day Sale … in his eyes ‘Christmas Day = nyah, bah, humbug etc, but the turkey and desserts are yummy'

Boxing Day, whole different story … Boxing Day Test Match! Apparently way more exciting than Christmas Day ... Only a fool would suggest he leaves his cave on Boxing Day
Lol, my hubby does all of his shopping on Xmas eve. I often jokingly say that we get what ever is left over. It helps that he works in Hobart . :)
However he has no imput in the family gifts, I've even heard him say to his sister, ' what did we get you ' ? No idea ! :th
@Fancychooklady lol my hubbys the same but i normally make sure i tell him we got them that when they unwrap it haha.

Hello everyone. Hope its ok to join this thread getting to confused with the overseas temps and locations. I am from comboyne nsw. We will be getting some australorp babies soon for the kids xmas. 5 chicks and a rooster all 2 & 1/2 weeks old. Its the first time i will be raising babies and was wondering if anyone has some good advice. I have a fully functional chicken run with coop mostly shaded withs spots of sun throuh the day. Was wondering what age i should start them in the chciken run/coop? Should i wait till they have feathers. The temp up here changes often so its not like a constant summer heat. Thanks in advance for any help

Welcome!! Yep as Satay said if its nice temps, maybe 25-30 they can have outside play. Otherwise i normally say about 4 weeks. U with a flock that size they will huddle nicely :)
Let them free range and play as much as possible, its so fun to sit and watch :)


The developer replaced our back fence & put it a foot out on one side leaving a huge ditch as we have raised borders all around the fences as well as breaking a large terracotta pot that was just in front of the fence.  They came on to join the fence up to the pool fence, fill in the ditch and replaced my pot - and yesterday I discovered that while they were here fixing stuff, they broke a pipe leading to the pool pump & quietly taped it up.  Needless to say that doesn't work so if we switch our pool pump on water sprays everywhere.  :mad:

My flock is fine though.  

Oh no! Exactly as Teila said weigh it up is it better to get them back or not? Definitely complain about whats happened and if u want to fix it urself make sure u tell them ur going to because ur afraid the next thing theyll fix theyll break something else too! Not good. We had a similar thing will the empty land next to our old place being divided up into 9 lots and suddenly we had neighbours :-(

Good morning Friends :frow

So, got the house work, washing etc all done yesterday; today is Christmas grocery shopping which may turn out to be worse than the already completed ‘dirty’ jobs ;)   Hubby is coming along to give me a hand .. I may need to check our funds before we go, not so much for how much we can spend on groceries but moreso whether I have enough for bail money when he punches someone .. lol.

Also, popping next door to get final feeding instructions for Tangles and pool maintaining lessons .. then, wave goodbye to the neighbour; give his plane time to take off and then hit the pool! Lol :bow

I was going to ask wow why would u need bail money?! Lol. Since reading on with the convo i can see why. Well im sorry to say the 2 hubbies have a female triplet too, myself! Haha. Only during boxing day sales tho not pre christmas, prechristmas u only have to worry about me strangling the kids rather than others! I boxing day shop on my own, out my way! :-D

Well B1 is still broody :) hopefully she'll go full time with her first batch, its not B2 like a originally suspected, B1, her twin.

Was devastated last night when i counted my chicks in the shed when i shut them in, was missing one of my beautiful RIR girls. Luckily this morning she came out with all the others so clearly she was just invisible for the night as i thought id checked everywhere..
Lol Fancy and RodneyRooster

Phew, glad to hear your little chicky was just hiding RR; I am sure they do it on purpose

I have a colleague, she is Irish, so she tells this story much better than I could but she had me in stitches the other day.

Having 3 little ones, her and hubby took them to the toy store on the excuse of ‘picking something you might like and that you can put on your Santa list’.

So, the youngest found a raised sand and water play thing that he was just enthralled with and she put that one down as a definite.

Anyways, she takes the kids to the park in her car, as planned and hubby is tasked to buy the stuff they really seemed to want, pop it into his car, get it home and HIDE it.

So, she gets home, all appears well. That evening, they all pile into his car to go to a friends and her oldest [daughter] excitedly screeches “Ooooh, Daddy bought the sand pit” .. Yep, sticking out of the boot and into the back seat was not only the sand pit but all the other toys

I wish you could have been there to hear her tell the story .. so funny! He had no idea why she was having a hissy fit
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