Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Satay, Thanks for the pics! I ADORE your little Teila! You've really got a lovely mix of colours there, beautiful birds.

Chicken-clucky Spencer is so handsome! And sorry for your loss

Fancychooklady thanks for the articles, it's good to know. Aggie's nostril seems to have unblocked, and I'll see how she goes on the oral antibiotics for the moment. We'll check in with the vet either tomorrow or friday to see how she's progressing. I'm hoping for a bigger improvement tomorrow. She's currently making a big mess of her food, so she's in good spirits.

Speaking of big messes with food, I took this yesterday.

Took Bea all of 20 seconds to flick that out of her bowl. Little rascal.
Satay, Thanks for the pics! I ADORE your little Teila! You've really got a lovely mix of colours there, beautiful birds.

Chicken-clucky Spencer is so handsome! And sorry for your loss

Fancychooklady thanks for the articles, it's good to know. Aggie's nostril seems to have unblocked, and I'll see how she goes on the oral antibiotics for the moment. We'll check in with the vet either tomorrow or friday to see how she's progressing. I'm hoping for a bigger improvement tomorrow. She's currently making a big mess of her food, so she's in good spirits.

Speaking of big messes with food, I took this yesterday.

Took Bea all of 20 seconds to flick that out of her bowl. Little rascal.

Good photo there - that is all too familiar to me.

They are experts at making messes, aren't they ?

I throw used straw into their run for them to scratch about in - to uncover bugs etc., ... and within a day or two, the entire lot of straw is kicked outside the run fence. Which invites Miss Ruby dog to go nosing around for chook woopsies ( not good for dogs ) .... and gives me a whole big mess to clean up.

They certainly can keep us busy.

Cheers .........
HI Annie, calcium carbonate is more readily absorbed but the danger of adding it to feed is that if you overdose the birds it can cause organ damage. Most birds and horses will only take it if they are lacking. Seaweed meal a perfect example of this, only a horse that is lacking in selenium will look twice at a tub of seaweed meal, but if you add it to the feed ration and they don't need it , the horse will ' break out ' , get lumps all up and down the head and shoulders. I have seen this several times.
Sometimes its not the calcium that causes soft eggs , but more the calcium to phosherous rates being absorbed by the bird. Linoleic acid and methionine are important amino acids that are added to good quality poultry feeds but are sadly lacking in some of the budget pellets.
The importance of feed in the correct ratio and limiting snacks and treats is as important to our feathered friends as it is to us.

Thanks again Fancy for the information you provide - it is very much appreciated.

I feed my girls Barastoc Golden Yolk layer pellets, which I believe is a well balanced and good food. Never go for the cheap stuff - my birds and animals have cost me a small fortune over the years.

Will take your advice and back off the horse calcium now. Can see how the calcium to phospherous ratios would be very important ---- and I am trusting that Barastoc has that covered. Will watch carefully for any continuous soft shells, ( all ok at present ) .... and if that occurs, will no doubt be back here yelling for help ( again ).

They had another lot of "Mums" special tucker today - rice, grated cheese, rollled raw oats, a handful of wheat bran, finely chopped baby spinach, and a handful of scratch mix. The little blighters just know when I am preparing it - ( how I don't know - the laundry door is firmly shut ) but they must have superb hearing. !! and they get so darned excited. Then gobble the lot in a very short time, spreading it every which way - but they do clean up after themselves !!

Hope your lady hen and her one little orphaned chick are still doing well together - along with all your beautiful horses.

Cheers ..........
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I am from that 'funny little island' it is so lovely here that we keep it a secret! At the moment it is very very dry with lots of bushfires in the mountains and wilderness areas. Rain is forecast so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we actually get some. I am new to keeping hens and have Australrops, big black beauties, My first clutch of eggs ended up being a tale of woe. I started with 10 eggs but they kept disappearing and the last one was rotten! I removed it from the nest and my broody girl missed it for about 24hrs and now she is back to 'normal' Will I try again - I am still thinking about it.
@satay hi satay. thanks for the advice ended up getting 4 muscovies hoping for some girls.

Got 4 silkies too (2 black, 1 splash and 1 white)


Mind the duckling he/she photoboomed
I am from that 'funny little island' it is so lovely here that we keep it a secret!  At the moment it is very very dry with lots of bushfires in the mountains and wilderness areas.  Rain is forecast so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we actually get some. I am new to keeping hens and  have Australrops, big black beauties, My first clutch of eggs ended up being a tale of woe.  I started with 10 eggs but they kept disappearing and the last one was rotten!  I removed it from the nest and my broody girl missed it for about 24hrs and now she is back to 'normal'  Will I try again - I am still thinking about it. 

:welcome oh don't worry it will rain, we just spent a small fortune on irrigation pipes and big sprinklers. Supposed to be thunder storms tomorrow, last thing we need is lightening. Yay it's just started spitting.
Thanks again Fancy for the information you provide - it is very much appreciated.  

I feed my girls Barastoc Golden Yolk layer pellets, which I believe is a well balanced and good food.   Never go for the cheap stuff - my birds and animals have cost me a small fortune over the years.  

Will take your advice and back off the horse calcium now.   Can see how the calcium to phospherous ratios would be very important ---- and I am trusting that Barastoc has that covered. Will watch carefully for any continuous soft shells, ( all ok at present ) .... and if that occurs, will no doubt be back here yelling for help ( again ).  

They had another lot of "Mums" special tucker today - rice, grated cheese, rollled raw oats, a handful of wheat bran, finely chopped baby spinach, and a handful of scratch mix.   The little blighters just know when I am preparing it - ( how I don't know - the laundry door is firmly shut ) but they must have superb hearing.   !!   and they get so darned excited.   Then gobble the lot in a very short time, spreading it every which way - but they do clean up after themselves !!   

Hope your lady hen and her one little orphaned chick are still doing well together - along with all your beautiful horses. 

Cheers .......... 

Thanks Annie, just go easy on the cheese. Hubby just arrived with a trailer load of Lucerne . It must be so sweet, Jack has his eyes closed whilst he eats it.

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