Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Satay, I wonder if the egg manufacturing malfunction is related to the heat.  I've had two fart eggs, each over a hot spell.  I haven't had the courage to crack them open yet.

appps, your chick is looking very cute & growing into its beak quickly.  :love

Fancy, sorry to hear about your horse, but good news about the rain.  I was just reading about the fires & remembering what a pain it is to get washing dry when you can't hang it outside because of the smoke.

We just had our first holiday with chooks and they managed just fine.  I had a friend check their water every second day.  Our cats were not so happy.  Tiger is still traumatised & keeps bringing us presents in the middle of the night & crying to make sure we notice his offering - bits of paper are in favour now that my daughters shoes are too big to comfortably carry around as presents.

Could be, I have only had the one so far thankfully and I think it may be from my black sex link who is about 9 years old. Hubby's sister gave her to me as her teenage kids were forgetting to feed her when she was at work. I have had her 7 years and She was at least 2 or more when i got her. Our SEQ weather has been all over the place. 40C+ for weeks and this week not quite as hot but humid as hell and only the tiniest of sprinkle of rain a couple of days ago.
Interesting that you quote barrostock golden yolk and say not the cheap stuff. That is by far the cheapest of all the poultry food available here, although except for the calcium being slightly higher than I need one of the best balanced

Barrastock in price is about mid range here. I can't see any problems with feeding that if that is your chosen brand. I actually feed my Belgians and pekins at the moment Avi grain coffee blend. It is one of the cheapest out there but they love it and lay well on it. (This week anyways) After a while they decide not eating that brand anymore mum and i have to go look for something else. Pampered little ladies. I have tried them on laucke mills which is the brand i prefer but they turned their little beaks up at it. They have the grower ok til they are ready to lay but then turn into little princesses.
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Satay, Thanks for the pics! I ADORE your little Teila! You've really got a lovely mix of colours there, beautiful birds. Chicken-clucky Spencer is so handsome! And sorry for your loss :( Fancychooklady thanks for the articles, it's good to know. Aggie's nostril seems to have unblocked, and I'll see how she goes on the oral antibiotics for the moment. We'll check in with the vet either tomorrow or friday to see how she's progressing. I'm hoping for a bigger improvement tomorrow. She's currently making a big mess of her food, so she's in good spirits. Speaking of big messes with food, I took this yesterday. Took Bea all of 20 seconds to flick that out of her bowl. Little rascal.
She is adorable. :love
@satay I think I prefer the freezing weather over 40C temps, anything over 30 is torture to me.

Hiya, long time no see. :) I'm with you , I hate the heat.
Well aparantly it poured with rain just up over the mountain but once again it went around us. :(
Not a cloud in the sky this morning, looks like we are going to have to start the ' rain dance '.
Top o’ the morn’ to all

appps so good to see that Maddox is now getting what he needs and growing

Fizzybelle also good to read that Agnes is on the improve
and love that picture of Bea; can imagine her saying “Look at this mess the cat made!”

satay beautiful birds! I am honoured to share a name with such a beautiful little girl
Yep, got the covers on the runs and ready for the predicted few days of rain; as long as it does not flood like this time 3 years ago

chicken-clucky I am so very sorry to hear about Pek-I
Spencer is a handsome fella.

Aaaw Fancy that is sad news about Jack but I am pleased that he is going to have a wonderful retirement location with you. Congratulations on the blue ribbon.

Howdy hill top, nice to meet you [apologies if we have already done the intro thing; I lose track of who I have greeted and who I have not].

Adorable new additions kat79!

G’Day vehve good to see you again!

Good to see you again also cwrite and hoping you had a good break.

Great discussion on the calcium .. noted!

No news of note from BB .. still got moulters but luckily, no broody's .. sadly, no eggs either
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Could be, I have only had the one so far thankfully and I think it may be from my black sex link who is about 9 years old. Hubby's sister gave her to me as her teenage kids were forgetting to feed her when she was at work. I have had her 7 years and She was at least 2 or more when i got her. Our SEQ weather has been all over the place. 40C+ for weeks and this week not quite as hot but humid as hell and only the tiniest of sprinkle of rain a couple of days ago.
Maybe age then. The weather here has been unbearable. We went up to Rocky because it was cheap in their hot 'off season' and expected to struggle - tent camping. There was a constant cool breeze & we arrived home to truly unbearable humidity. Not today though, it's cool &overcast
although no rain yet. Time to poke my head outdoors for more than a few minutes.

Good to see you here again Vehve. I think somewhere between our temps & yours with clear skies lies paradise.
Rains been patchy so far, they were predicting storms later today. For now, I've got the kiddies out free-ranging. Good news, Agnes is definitely on the mend, no runny nose at all this morning, nice and dry, slight swelling on her cheek, looks almost normal again. I'll let the vet know and ask how much longer till she can go back to her group.
Interesting that you quote barrostock golden yolk and say not the cheap stuff. That is by far the cheapest of all the poultry food available here, although except for the calcium being slightly higher than I need one of the best balanced

sjturner79 - - - -

Barastoc ... Golden Yolk, is indeed a very well balanced mix of food - and perhaps in South Australia is the cheapest, but not so in Victoria that I have noticed. There are a couple of cheaper brands that I've seen, but I was mainly referring to any kind of generic or home brand chicken pellet .... which would be much cheaper. Pet Barn sell a cheap chicken layer pellet ( that's what I wouldn't touch either ). And as mentioned here before, I do not buy on line. I purchase at a Pet Store in our village in the Dandenongs, ( which is expensive ) and at the Stock and Produce merchant about 10 mins. drive away. They have a huge range of many items for most animals and birds.

Barastoc has a good reputation, and is - as you mentioned, 'one of the best balanced'

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