Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I'm sad this morning as i just had to sell all my sheep. We have been having problems with our back gate for months someone kept cutting the lock and opening the gate. We have to have a big gate on the back of our property as there is a council easement that runs behind and they have to be able to access it from our place if they ever want to. Mind you they haven't ever in the 9 years we have been here, We aren't allowed to run electric fence along there either. So after months of this happening and only being able to catch a dark figure in a hoodie on the camera/ (not much use in a country town unless you know who it actually is .) Someone cut the lock on Monday night and when i went to feed them they were no were to be seen., 2 and half hours later i finally found them and got them back into our place. They were just about out on the highway, I made the tough decision to sell them. I couldn't stand the thought of them being hit by a car or truck on the highway, Thankfully the shearer who sheared them last year has taken them and they are going to have lots of land where they will be safe which is best for them i know. I just wish people didn't have to be such a hol's sometimes.

That is very sad to hear satay .... but they are safe and happy now, and that is the main thing - I am sure you know that anyway in your heart.

If you have sheep again, try installing an electric outer and inner fence, or bring them back to a home paddock, close to the house where most likely the monster cowards would not approach. Triggered lighting too on a home paddock, would be a deterrent. Expensive, but worth it. And sheep love comfort, so they might be like cows coming into milking sheds - very happy to be rounded up in the twilight for a safe haven. More work for you to let them roam in safe areas every day, but worth it to keep your sheep or other farm animals.

This goes for anyone who have animals, and are having any problems with rogues and sheisters like these roaming mongrels are.

I get sooo mad at this - but then so does everyone.

Not all chooks will go for mice. I had mice hiding in cracks in my nest boxes, eating eggs and scaring baby chicks out of the nests to freeze to death. I was lucky in that by moving the coop, and changing the nest box design they had trouble finding them again, while I caught the using traps baited with chook pellets under upside plant pots near where the coop had been. I also occasionally catch them in the un baited traps in the shed near the chook food box.
The problem with sheep and electric fencing, is that their fleece protects them from getting zapped.
We have clever horses that know when they have a winter rug on they can lean over the fence. :rolleyes: . Animals can also hear the pulsing of the electric fence, manys the time that I have seen horses extending their whiskers to feel the pulse at the fence. Shetlands are the smartest , our Rosie will charge at the fence , head down, flick the tape onto her canvas rug and make it to the other side without so much as a zap. :)

Yes electric fence does not keep sheep in unfortunately.
That is very sad to hear satay .... but they are safe and happy now, and that is the main thing - I am sure you know that anyway in your heart. 

If you have sheep again, try installing an electric outer and  inner fence, or bring them back to a home paddock, close to the house where most likely the monster cowards would not approach.   Triggered lighting too on a home paddock, would be a deterrent.   Expensive, but worth it.  And sheep love comfort, so they might be like cows coming into milking sheds - very happy to be rounded up in the twilight for a safe haven.  More work for you to let them roam in safe areas every day, but worth it to keep your sheep or other farm animals.  

This goes for anyone who have animals, and are having any problems with rogues and sheisters like these roaming mongrels are.  

I get sooo mad at this - but then so does everyone.


They did have a night shelter anni which much like chickens they came back to it by themselves each night but hubby use to let them out before work 4.45am or so as they would bellow when he got up. A couple of times we found their night gate open as well. Hubby thought i forgot to lock it so didn't let me know and like Monday i didn't find it til i went out to feed them at 8am. I think for now i will just stick with my chickens . I still have the camera up down the back and i have a couple on the chickens too.
Good morning Folks

satay For once, I am lost for words. I am struggling to comprehend the reasoning behind opening gates. I have heard of people doing that in residential areas also, letting out dogs.

For what purpose? While some stupid things are done by stupid people with nothing better to do, they are usually around to see the consequences of their actions. Unless this idiot is hanging around, his actions are even more incomprehensible than your average idiot

I am so sorry that you had to move your sheep to keep them safe and we can only hope that Karma has something extra special in store for this one

Lol MyHaven .. you cracked me up with the ‘The Chook Mothers Diaries’
Those Wynnies look like real sweeties.

Deej211 I loved the pictures of your gals being chickens .. I added my own imaginary soundtrack of happy chicken sounds and it sure had me smiling

Mr Mouse did not make an appearance last night. Hopefully the springing of the trap, while not actually getting him, scared the bejesus out of him and he has decided to eat his corn elsewhere.

Thanks for the link to the traps potato chip and thank you Anniebee for all your helpful information.

Anniebee yeah, there is never a Crow around when you need one

As the coop is raised and where he has decided to partake of his evening meal is a slide out tray, I do not think there is a family actually in the coop anywhere, more that he is choosing to eat in a nice dry, protected spot.

I think he is coming into the run from the garden, gathering the corn and then up the ramp and into the coop to eat/store it. Because I take the tray out and clean it every morning, any thoughts he has of nesting are not looking good.
They did have a night shelter anni which much like chickens they came back to it by themselves each night but hubby use to let them out before work 4.45am or so as they would bellow when he got up. A couple of times we found their night gate open as well. Hubby thought i forgot to lock it so didn't let me know and like Monday i didn't find it til i went out to feed them at 8am. I think for now i will just stick with my chickens . I still have the camera up down the back and i have a couple on the chickens too.
dounds awful Satay. It would be a horrible feeling to have someone sneaking around your property and messing with things.

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