Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

My bantams must be the opposite of yours in that respect. If I put out both normal food and starter, they will make sure the starter is completely gone before going for anything else(except banana or cat food).

I have both fine and course layer mash. The smaller chickens eat the fine mash first. Might just be the size of the crumbles?

With that in mind - what do you feed a broody chicken who is sitting on eggs? I would have thought layer good is no longer appropriate but what is the alternative?
Hey there sweetbeak Unfortunately not only I am in Queensland I am also not allowed to have roosters. However, I just wanted to say that they are beautiful! Thanks all for the comments on cat food. I was not thinking of giving the girls cat food, pretty much the same as I would not consider giving the cats chicken food. I was, however, interested as I read often about chickens loving cat food. Loved the video Fizzybelle. I was thinking ‘aaaaw, poor chicken’ when the cat started hitting it but chuckled when the chicken won ;) Love your little helpers sjturner79 .. so cute! Sorry for all the pics but just sharing our day in pictures. First up, I can not sing the praises enough of the slide out coop floor. It has been in for 6 months now and still looking great. So easy to clean .. slide out, wash, dry in sun, put back. Each morning I dustpan and brush the poops and throw them in the compost, quick wipe over, nice and clean: My view from the gazebo .. I love it! First order of business for the gals was a bath: LuLu demonstrating how a Frizzle does it! ;) Watermelon for lunch: Afternoon nap on the deck: Posed for some pictures: LuLu doing ‘cute’: One of our regular afternoon visitors taking advantage of the top pond:
What beautiful pictures :)
Hi! My little family are first time chook owners. Up until 3days ago we had 6 Isa - browns. Today we have 2. Bloody dog. Your site has helped me a lot so far and there is still so much to learn. If you are wondering: the coop is being reinforced and the dog will be getting additional training. She does not touch them during the day, including when they are roaming! Night time has become our issue.
Anyway, I look forward to learning from this group to improve our chook experience...the functional pet that we all adore. We are situated in Adelaide.

Welcome to BYC - Aussies ... Fingers74 ...

Yes, dog has to be retrained, with food rewards for obedience ? .... very sorry to hear of the loss of 4 of your chickens.

Noticed you mentioned it was a 'night time' problem. Is there anyway you can securely lock your chickens up at night - so's dog cannot get to them .... or foxes ? We have foxes in our area, and chookies are locked securely in their coops at night. If they weren't I doubt I'd have any left at all.

Just a thought -

Cheers .....
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I have both fine and course layer mash. The smaller chickens eat the fine mash first. Might just be the size of the crumbles?

With that in mind - what do you feed a broody chicken who is sitting on eggs? I would have thought layer good is no longer appropriate but what is the alternative?

I give my girls Watson and Williams layer crumbles, they're pellets just broken up smaller and the girls really like them. They don't touch pellets otherwise, so it's been a good way to get them to eat pellets. I get it from Petbarn if anyone's interested. Discovered it by accident, got some of their chick starter and they all tried to eat that, so gave the layer crumbles a go as they were the same size, and they still love them.

Welcome Fingers74. An Australorp and Sussex are good choices! Lovely personalities and good layers, I hope you're able to add them to your group one day :) Sorry for your loss.
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Fizzybelle If I can rehome 40 that will leave me with 30 most of those that will be left are little sebrights, phoenix, frizzles, silkies though I will have my pure breeds left and there's at least 10 of them. The small ones don’t eat much and aren’t too noisy. But I will rehome what I can.

Fancy How are you coping with the weather? How is that poor hen? Did you get anymore babies from those eggs?

Anniebee I can’t believe there is still snow falling. I must be the coldest year everywhere for quite a while. I hope Mindy is still laying perfect eggs.

Finger74 So sorry to hear about your chooks. We had dog who decimated our chooks one ANZAC day.
We were just pulling into the driveway and the neighbour came running up and said don’t let your kids out the back there is blood and feathers everywhere. There was and Shadow came running up with a dead chook in her mouth as is to say aren’t I clever. Our dog doesn’t eat them now he just tries to let them out, and that’s only at night too. I think he wants to play, because the humans aren’t out to play. We have some australorps and light Sussex now and they are beautiful girls (when there not broody).

SilkieChickStar Your green cheeks are lovely. I hope they all hatch. Don’t forget to post some photos.

Teila Thanks for that info it was very interesting. I haven’t noticed any white tips in this lot of feathers so I will keep an eye open and see if I get more.

Last night I moved 2 silkies and their 3 babies (araucanas) into a bigger coop. Gee they are dumb, they have a ramp to go up to the nesting boxes and roosts. But they huddled and try to get under each other for warmth under the coop instead of going up the ramp. Hopefully they go in their tonight.
Welcome to BYC - Aussies ... Fingers74 ... 

Yes, dog has to be retrained, with food rewards for obedience ?  .... very sorry to hear of the loss of 4 of your chickens.  

Noticed you mentioned it was a 'night time' problem.  Is there anyway you can securely lock your chickens up at night - so's dog cannot get to them .... or foxes ?    We have foxes in our area, and chookies are locked securely in their coops at night.   If they weren't I doubt I'd have any left at all.   

Just a thought - 

Cheers ..... 

Hi Anniebee,Thankfully we do not have foxes and a very secure yard fence - unfortunately it is our darling fur girl, I grilled my husband with questions in disbelief! The feather girls have a designated fenced area,that has been further reinforced with success thus far. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions.
Fizzybelle  If I can rehome 40 that will leave me with 30 most of those that will be left are little sebrights, phoenix, frizzles, silkies though I will have  my pure breeds left and there's at least 10 of them. The small ones don’t eat much and aren’t too noisy.  But I will rehome what I can.

Fancy  How are you coping with the weather?  How is that poor hen?  Did you get anymore babies from those eggs?

Anniebee I can’t believe there is still snow falling. I must be the coldest year everywhere for quite a while.  I hope Mindy is still laying perfect eggs.

Finger74  So sorry to hear about your chooks.  We had dog who decimated our chooks one ANZAC day.
We were just pulling into the driveway and the neighbour came running up and said don’t let your kids out the back there is blood and feathers everywhere.  There was and Shadow came running up with a dead chook in her mouth as is to say aren’t I clever.   Our dog doesn’t eat them now he just tries to let them out, and that’s only at night too. I think he wants to play, because the humans aren’t out to play. We have some australorps and light Sussex now and they are beautiful girls (when there not broody).

SilkieChickStar Your green cheeks are lovely. I hope they all hatch. Don’t forget to post some photos.

Teila Thanks for that info it was very interesting. I haven’t noticed any white tips in this lot of feathers so I will keep an eye open and see if I get more.  

Last night I moved 2 silkies and their 3 babies (araucanas) into a bigger coop.  Gee they are dumb, they have a ramp to go up to the nesting boxes and roosts. But they huddled and try to get under each other for warmth under the coop instead of going up the ramp. Hopefully they go in their tonight.

It can take silkies a while to get the whole roosting thing down pat. I've got some that still huddle on the floor.
The weather is finally clearing. No more chicks, I did an egg topsy yesterday they were fully formed but hadn't yet absorbed all of the yolk , so probably 24-48 hrs off hatching when disaster hit. My first job today is to bury the eggs.
I'm going to start the incubator up today and pop in a dozen gold laced Wyandotte. My hens are 7-8 years old so I think it's time to get some chicks from them while they are still laying.

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