Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

OMG!  After just over 10 months since she last laid and my pretty much accepting that she was not going to lay again, LuLu laid an egg! :celebrate  

Editing to add: Now I wonder if the Anitone had anything to do with it?

Woohoo. I'm constantly telling people of the benefits of Anitone since we were given 5 L . A lot of sceptics think that I'm getting some kind of ' kick back ' from recommending it, I'm not it's just a very good product. I've seen horses with all the signs of colic right themselves within 20 mins of having it. We're on our 3rd 5L drum of it in 3 years, but we give it to the horses and goats also.
I believe its especially beneficial to breeds like silkies that are prone to thiamine, selenium and vit E deficiencies.
Woohoo. I'm constantly telling people of the benefits of Anitone since we were given 5 L . A lot of sceptics think that I'm getting some kind of ' kick back ' from recommending it, I'm not it's just a very good product. I've seen horses with all the signs of colic right themselves within 20 mins of having it. We're on our 3rd 5L drum of it in 3 years, but we give it to the horses and goats also.
I believe its especially beneficial to breeds like silkies that are prone to thiamine, selenium and vit E deficiencies.

Yeah, thank you Fancy!

While it could be coincidence, it does seem strange that after 10 months and then only 2 doses of Anitone [once a week on a Saturday], she lays an egg. LuLu is a Frizzle, so that might also have something to do with it.
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hi Fingers74 - sorry to hear about the loss of your girls. There is a product called a Pet containment system by PetSafe. it is an electric wire you run around the perimeter or your chook pen. you can bury the wire just under the ground so its out the way or you can just hang it at dog height on the fence. anyway, the dog wears a collar and when it approaches within a set distance of the wire it gets a warning beep, if it continues and crosses the wire it gets an electric shock. You can also adjust the intensity of the shock from very mild to something more intense. They quickly learn where is off limits. It is actually designed to contain pets on properties without fences, but works for the chook pen purpose to.

I know some people with not agree with a product like this, but sometimes avoiding the hard decision of the chickens or the dogs is worth it. Unlike a bark collar it doesn't keep getting shocked because it doesn't tend to go near the line again.
Yeah, thank you Fancy!

While it could be coincidence, it does seem strange that after 10 months and then only 2 doses of Anitone [once a week on a Saturday], she lays an egg.  LuLu is a Frizzle, so that might also have something to do with it.

Sounds like that could be it. I may have to look into it. Shame it doesn't work for broodys. Every pekin i own is broody., :eek: Yep no one that isn't except the only rooster :p
hi Fingers74 - sorry to hear about the loss of your girls. There is a product called a Pet containment system by PetSafe. it is an electric wire you run around the perimeter or your chook pen. you can bury the wire just under the ground so its out the way or you can just hang it at dog height on the fence. anyway, the dog wears a collar and when it approaches within a set distance of the wire it gets a warning beep, if it continues and crosses the wire it gets an electric shock. You can also adjust the intensity of the shock from very mild to something more intense. They quickly learn where is off limits. It is actually designed to contain pets on properties without fences, but works for the chook pen purpose to.  

I know some people with not agree with a product like this, but sometimes avoiding the hard decision of the chickens or the dogs is worth it. Unlike a bark collar it doesn't keep getting shocked because it doesn't tend to go near the line again.

Our neighbours across the road have one on their gateway (underground) for their dog. Must work as i have seen it run up the the open gate but never crosses it.

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