Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi. I'm from SA. Didn't realise we had an aussie thread! We've got 2 big girls (a red and black hyline) we've had since hatchlings. Kids kindy project. We did have 3 but one died earlier in the year. We also have 4 chicks. 2 from school project (both black hylines) and 2 silver grey dorkings. We were told they possibly are girls but I'm not convinced until I can see the chest feathers.I'm thinking one looks like a boy! We have a dog that doesn't bother the 2 big ones but is interested in our new indoor residents. I don't trust her at all with any of the chickens. Being a big puppy (a lab x and just had her 1st birthday) and knowing her personality I think she would play too rough and it won't end well.
Wow so many new Aussies. Welcome to each and every one of you,
Welcome new aussie :)

Well we said goodbye to Jim today

He was our dark blue silki roo.


I wanted to keep him but unfortunately we live in the suburbs and the neighbours were sure to complain any moment. We raised him from a tiny chick.

He has gone to live with another lady who will be putting him with some blue,black and splash pullets. So I'm thankful that at least he is still allowed to do his thing :)
So many 'New Eggs" to this thread .... have said welcome to some individually, but now have to simply say :

" WELCOME TO ALL - and this is a wonderful thread to be involved with."


Sadly, Madam Mindy Araucana dumped a soft shell today - ate the yolk ... it was really a fragile shell, so she is not being cannabalistic ( yet ). .... I am hoping the Anitone with the calcium it has in it plus all the other goodies - will help her to toughen up the calcium requirements for her unstoppable egg laying..

How on earth can one stop a hen laying eggs ......... IS there any way. ?? .... Sooo wish she'd become broody.

She needs a lovely long rest from frantic egg laying. Am happy to risk 'super-super-hype' after Anitone - she is already as mad as a hatter.

Have been integrating the 3 hens recently in a neutral zone - as Mandy is so much quieter with her 'arthritis thing' and no longer wants to be a 'killer' .... They have all been happily picking at grass bits together. Mindy does keep her distance, but it is a good thing to see ( after 4 years of pre-meditated murder in the chook 'ouse areas ).

- - - - - - - - -

LuckysMum .... so sad to hear of the loss of your little leghorn chicken. No matter what ailed her ( and something obviously did ) ... she is now at peace - no more suffering. They are good at hiding suffering - as are dogs and cats. Such stoic darling creatures they all are.
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Not sure what a 'storm bird' is ... especially an Eastern Koel.

From googling - they don't seem to reside further south than NSW ( except very rarely ).

We have our own 'storm birds' and they can be totally relied upon.

The currawongs and white sulphur crested cockatoos, are our wake up call to impending bad weather. .... And also very noisy when making their announcements, however, they do not start early in the mornings !!.

They are never wrong.

Cheers .......
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Good morning folks

Welcome to the thread cheep82, nice to meet you.

SilkieChickStar I am sorry you had to say goodbye to Jim but pleased that you found somewhere that sounds ideal. He is a beautiful little man.

Anniebee that is great news that the girls seem to be getting along in the ‘neutral zone’

Lots of happenings in the garden over the weekend.

Chucky the Butcher Bird paid a visit yesterday and bought along a black and white friend. Chucky is still that original colour so I am guessing (s)he is a Grey Butcher Bird but then it seems strange that his/her friend is a Pied
Chucky makes me laugh. (S)he is definitely not a vegie eater and when (s)he picks up some meat, if any lettuce is tuck to it, (s)he vigorously shakes it off the meat and/or drops it repeatedly until they separate.

The Magpie-lark pair who raised our visiting Koel last season are still in residence. I am interested to see if they have young of their own this time around or if they end up raising another Koel.

We do not see a great deal of Magpies here but I appear to have also befriended one of those. (S)he visited during the week and very much enjoyed the couple of meal worms I tossed [Dusty was not watching
lol] and came back on Sunday to have some more meal worms and cooked mince. I am hoping to teach it to eat off the outdoor table as it is tricky tossing it food while ensuring that the girls are not watching. Five bantams bearing down on what looks like a youngish Magpie is probably quite intimidating

We have 4 large goldfish in the lower pond; 1 black, 1 gold and 2 x Shubunkins. One of the Shubunkins is female and the remainder are male. I know this because at spawning time, the other three push the female around the pond. I recognise the female because she has a large area of red on her head. Hubby had an eye roll moment when I was explaining that the boys like redheads

Anyways, as per goldfish breeding cycles, they started in on her at sun up yesterday and did not quit until just after lunch. Lots of pushing and splashing and excitement which prompted a “Gees guys, give the poor girl a break” from me

I do not have a spawning mop or the like but live in hope that one day, may be just one of the eggs/fry does not get eaten.

On the chicken front, not much news of note, they appeared to have a wonderful weekend in the garden, as did I
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SilkieChickStar - sorry to hear about Jim. I think if ours are boys we will need to do the same. There is a roo somewhere near us and my neighbour always says "I thought you got a new one"

Anniebee - do you have a grumpy chicken? I think Rainbow Dash wouldn't be very nice to am adult chicken.

Teila - sounds like my household! We also have 2 cats and 2 lorikeets but we've got a magpie lark family who hang out here and we've got a new magpie family in the other large gum. I've fed them so they know who we are. Unfortunately our dog loves to try to catch and kill pigeons so I've fed them out the front. She's so different to our old dog who helped raise our chickens and the lorikerts used to run around on her. I'd never let Ebony near them to try that.

Rainbow Dash (our australorp x) doesn't seem herself today. She still fluffed up as I walked over there (she tests my authority daily). Maybe I'm being a worried chicken mother as hubby can't tell any difference but I just feel she isn't right. No swelling or eggs felt so I'll see how she goes.
I'm feeling so impatient today. I want my eggs to hurry up and wake up. Only 25 of the 36 made it to lockdown. I guess I have to wait until they are ready. Not due to hatch till Wednesday but I'd like the to Hurry up and wake up and talk to me!

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