Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Anniebee, you wanting to get a roo? I really would love one actually (a bantam roo) but living in suburbia, tis not allowed, though I wonder if you can get away with it if they wore a collar. I know there's some issues with the collars, so at the moment I'm just curious and wanting to learn more.

sjturner, lovely little ones you have there!

Well, my lot are ok for now. We had some more heartbreak this week, our cat just before her evening curfew was hit by a car and passed away. Never had that happen before, so it's a shock. The lady responsible was actually very kind, brought us flowers and we're grateful she went looking for us to tell us, and didn't leave her there. She was very distrought too. I know there's the whole indoor/outdoor debate with cats, we let ours out during the day and by afternoon she's inside. If future, we may have to change that should we get another, so yeah, I know. This, plus Agnes, Dad having cancer surgery (which was 100% successful), all within a month, yeah life's been fun lately.

sorry for your loss :hugs
Good morning folks :frow Worked on site yesterday and have to go in Friday afternoon for the Rewards & Recognition thingy. Aaaaw congratulations sjturner79 your bubs are adorable! Anniebee yep, Chucky is still singing up a storm; when I am working, even though I can not see him, I can hear him. Congratulations on your 4 Years with BYC :clap the badge looks good on you ;) Fizzybelle I am so very sorry to hear about your kitty :( but great news about your Dad :clap Yes, the indoor/outdoor debate about cats can be a sensitive one and as a practicing indoor cat owner with an outdoor run, I have been the target of comments along the lines of how cruel that is and how they should be allowed to be natural and do cat things. Just my thoughts, but my cats have a pretty good life and are spoiled rotten. According to the RSPCA and other studies, the average life span of outdoor cats is 3 years and indoor was around 15 I think [don’t quote me on that ;) ]. Not only are my fur babies protected from other cats, dogs, cane toads, cars etc, the wildlife [which I adore] is protected from the cats. Granted, some insects and lizards which wander into their run or the house are fair game, but the majority of the wildlife, especially birds, are safe. They have three cat trees in the house and cat toys everywhere. Also, they are both lead-trained so not only do they still get to go outside every day in their run, which has lots of good places to snooze and watch the world go by, but they also get to explore other areas of the garden: It is sometimes a bit tricky to catch and relocate the geckos which have managed to get inside before the cats get them ;) I have shared this story before but as I am not sure if you were a member then ..... Even as an indoor cat, I nearly lost Chimee to a car. Syba and Chimee do not try and bolt out the door but this one particular evening she bolted out the front door when I opened it because across the roads cat was sitting under our car, she chased him up our driveway, across the road and into his driveway, where she then realised where she was, freaked out and came running back across the road to me but right in front of a car! Luckily the driver saw her and a frantic me and managed to avoid her but I was a mess! We found her under next door's rainwater tank and to this day I still have nightmares about nearly seeing my baby girl run over and tear up. If she had of been hit, I swear I would have walked across the road and punched the neighbour! Please do not think I am saying that keeping them indoors is the right thing to do, it is just something I have decided is best for my fur babies and I am just trying to show that I think that cats kept indoors can have just as much fun as those that are not.
Your cats look like they love their run. My cat (actually sons cat but now he has moved mine ) is nearly 16 he is an indoor/ outdoor cat. Thankfully we are far enough back form the road though and i have never seen him go up near the road. My mum got a new kitten in the last 12 months as hers passed away at the age of 19. She got it from the pound in Logan and they are not allowed to have cats outside at all now in Logan. She walks him on a lead it looks so funny but he can be outside for a bit then.

21 in brooder now. 2 still in incubator, 1 looking really weak, and not to the type I'm aiming at, so if it's not ready for the brooder when the other is I'll shutdown and cull it.

Congrats on your hatch. it is always hard when one isn't doing well though.
Hey satay yeah, you are lucky that you are far enough back from the road. Interesting about Logan, I think it is the same in Brisbane in that cats are not supposed to be allowed to wander but not many follow that rule. My neighbour’s cat, Tangles, is also an indoor, lead trained cat.

I hope I did not come across as judging those whose cats are outside, I was hoping to just relay that keeping them contained is not necessarily cruel.
Hey satay yeah, you are lucky that you are far enough back from the road.  Interesting about Logan, I think it is the same in Brisbane in that cats are not supposed to be allowed to wander but not many follow that rule.  My neighbour’s cat, Tangles, is also an indoor, lead trained cat.

I hope I did not come across as judging those whose cats are outside, I was hoping to just relay that keeping them contained is not necessarily cruel.

Not at all. I fully understand how it is necessary in some places.

Thankfully for Ty we live out here . He is a man of his own mind and i think i would be in all sorts of trouble if i had to keep him in all day and night as that is not what he is used to. He spends alot of time inside now as he is older. Pic is him asleep on the bed behind me as i type. He comes into the chicken pens each morning as i feed them but won't get to close as he is terrified of chickens. It's funny i have thor one side of the pen as he is scared of ty and ty the other side as he is scared of chickens but wants to join in.:lau
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Hey satay yeah, you are lucky that you are far enough back from the road.  Interesting about Logan, I think it is the same in Brisbane in that cats are not supposed to be allowed to wander but not many follow that rule.  My neighbour’s cat, Tangles, is also an indoor, lead trained cat.

I hope I did not come across as judging those whose cats are outside, I was hoping to just relay that keeping them contained is not necessarily cruel.

I'm not sure i would class Everest as trained yet maybe that's why it looks funny but I am sure he will get there and i think the lead thing is a great idea for anyone who can't just let them have a wander.
Not at all. I fully understand how it is necessary in some places.

Thankfully for Ty we live out here . He is a man of his own mind and i think i would be in all sorts of trouble if i had to keep him in all day and night as that is not what he is used to. He spends alot of time inside now as he is older. Pic is him asleep on the bed behind me as i type. He comes into the chicken pens each morning as i feed them but won't get to close as he is terrified of chickens. It's funny i have thor one side of the pen as he is scared of ty and ty the other side as he is scared of chickens but wants to join in.

Tee hee .. he is gorgeous!
Good morning folks :frow Worked on site yesterday and have to go in Friday afternoon for the Rewards & Recognition thingy. Aaaaw congratulations sjturner79 your bubs are adorable! Anniebee yep, Chucky is still singing up a storm; when I am working, even though I can not see him, I can hear him. Congratulations on your 4 Years with BYC :clap the badge looks good on you ;) Fizzybelle I am so very sorry to hear about your kitty :( but great news about your Dad :clap Yes, the indoor/outdoor debate about cats can be a sensitive one and as a practicing indoor cat owner with an outdoor run, I have been the target of comments along the lines of how cruel that is and how they should be allowed to be natural and do cat things. Just my thoughts, but my cats have a pretty good life and are spoiled rotten. According to the RSPCA and other studies, the average life span of outdoor cats is 3 years and indoor was around 15 I think [don’t quote me on that ;) ]. Not only are my fur babies protected from other cats, dogs, cane toads, cars etc, the wildlife [which I adore] is protected from the cats. Granted, some insects and lizards which wander into their run or the house are fair game, but the majority of the wildlife, especially birds, are safe. They have three cat trees in the house and cat toys everywhere. Also, they are both lead-trained so not only do they still get to go outside every day in their run, which has lots of good places to snooze and watch the world go by, but they also get to explore other areas of the garden: It is sometimes a bit tricky to catch and relocate the geckos which have managed to get inside before the cats get them ;) I have shared this story before but as I am not sure if you were a member then ..... Even as an indoor cat, I nearly lost Chimee to a car. Syba and Chimee do not try and bolt out the door but this one particular evening she bolted out the front door when I opened it because across the roads cat was sitting under our car, she chased him up our driveway, across the road and into his driveway, where she then realised where she was, freaked out and came running back across the road to me but right in front of a car! Luckily the driver saw her and a frantic me and managed to avoid her but I was a mess! We found her under next door's rainwater tank and to this day I still have nightmares about nearly seeing my baby girl run over and tear up. If she had of been hit, I swear I would have walked across the road and punched the neighbour! Please do not think I am saying that keeping them indoors is the right thing to do, it is just something I have decided is best for my fur babies and I am just trying to show that I think that cats kept indoors can have just as much fun as those that are not.
I just want to say THANKYOU for being a responsible and thoughtful cat owner

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