Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning All,

Has anyone experienced a respitory infection in thier chooks?
One of my girls was 'singing' last night but seemed to be struggling to get her voice to work.
I picked her up and I could hear her wheezing. She spent the night in 'hospital' aka the laundry in a comfy bed and she seemed well this morning.

What other symptoms should I be looking out for? And what should I do if she has an infection? Straight to vet?
Hey Chook Newby

I am definitely not an expert when it comes to what ails chickens and I am not saying that your gal is OK, but she could be.

I have a gal who 'loses her voice', if she has been extra vocal and she first did this back in May 2015 and is still with us [5 years old now] but having lost her voice a couple more times following. I have a thread about it if you want to check it out:
Thank you so much for your reply Teila!
I have had a look at your other thread and what you described sounds just what happened to Sybil last night.
When I put her into the cage she went straight for the food and water so she has not lost her appetite.
I checked on her several times before I turned in myself last night and everytime I did she was in the 'hospital' purring. she seemed quite content.
Got her up this morning to be with her sisters for the day, her breathing sounded normal and she was very keen to get out of her cage and run off. Lots of lovely poos were in the cage too.
I will check on her again this afternoon (if I can catch her :))

Thank you again for your reply:love
Thank you so much for your reply Teila!
I have had a look at your other thread and what you described sounds just what happened to Sybil last night.
When I put her into the cage she went straight for the food and water so she has not lost her appetite.
I checked on her several times before I turned in myself last night and everytime I did she was in the 'hospital' purring. she seemed quite content.
Got her up this morning to be with her sisters for the day, her breathing sounded normal and she was very keen to get out of her cage and run off. Lots of lovely poos were in the cage too.
I will check on her again this afternoon (if I can catch her :))

Thank you again for your reply:love

You are welcome.

Yes, please do keep a close eye on her because as you know, it could be something else but, as you also now know, a chicken can 'lose her voice' ;)
You are welcome.

Yes, please do keep a close eye on her because as you know, it could be something else but, as you also now know, a chicken can 'lose her voice' ;)

I certainly will keep an eye on her.

Im thinking now after reading your other thread she may have just been bossing the others around and took it too far. I hope thats the case anyway:p
I certainly will keep an eye on her.

Im thinking now after reading your other thread she may have just been bossing the others around and took it too far. I hope thats the case anyway:p
Stress can bring on upper respiratory symptoms. Birds that have in the past suffered with an upper respiratory disease can also relapse periodically and become ' carriers ' . Check that the nares and ears are clear and keep an eye on her.
Hi all! New to this thread but I recentpy found an ad regarding a trio of yokohamas, would it be worth buying? Is there a big market for them and is anyone on here interested in buying that breed?


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