Australian Cattle Dogs ( Blue, Red Heelers)


Fanny and Darlah. Darlah was a heeler/dalmatian. She was very smart, one year she was on TV for guarding the Christmas tree. They put it on a Christmas special video. She had a vocabulary, and could fetch anything, one time I was in the bathroom and wanted something to read. I never taught her to fetch a book, but I jokingly said, "Get me a book." She brought me a book, and was so proud that she knew what I was talking about.
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Fanny and Darlah. Darlah was a heeler/dalmatian. She was very smart, one year she was on TV for guarding the Christmas tree. They put it on a Christmas special video. She had a vocabulary, and could fetch anything, one time I was in the bathroom and wanted something to read. I never taught her to fetch a book, but I jokingly said, "Get me a book." She brought me a book, and was so proud that she knew what I was talking about.
Wow! They both are absolutely beautiful!
It's one of my fav breeds! I don't own one but the place I ride at has one and he is ADORABLE😍 They are just soo cute! I had a rough collie but he passed yesterday. I'm very emotional about it. He was just an amazing dog. I'm getting a new puppy in a month or two (depending on what's available). I would love to get a gray merle. They are just extremely cute. It would feel weird to have another golden one😔💔 But I’ll probably end up with one because they are the most available
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It's one of my fav breeds! I don't own one but the place I ride at has one and he is ADORABLE😍 They are just soo cute! I had a rough collie but he passed yesterday. I'm very emotional about it. He was just an amazing dog. I'm getting a new puppy in a month or two (depending on what's available). I would love to get a gray merle. They are just extremely cute. It would feel weird to have another golden one😔💔
I love the dog breed too! Our neighbors have some and they are extremely friendly!

I’m so sorry for your loss! :hugs :hugs
I appreciated the conversation about Border Collies, and thought I would start one about another of my favorite dog breeds the Australian Cattle Dog, aka Blue Heeler. As a small child the first dog that I wasn’t afraid of was a female Blue Heeler. A family friend gave her to us as a pup. Years later as a young Adult I got a male Blue Heeler, but he started going blind at about 3 years old and by 5 years he was completely blind.
We now have a female Blue Heeler that we got after I married. My wife had never had a dog of her own, but her grandmother had a Heeler that she was around and remembered from her childhood. We named our little Heeler Jip after her grandmother’s dog. Jip or The Jibble as we often call her is quite a character, a little fat dog with a big reputation. She is a house dog but also helps me with cattle. She can get cattle to move easier than I can an she takes a lot of steps off of me. She is wary of strangers but most people that are around her much come to like her. She does better around women and children than with men. She gets along with me good though and also she took to our tenants pretty quickly. She loves to go to the barn with me to feed cattle, she is jealous of our chickens. and whines while I feed and check on them. She is always ready to take a ride in the truck or side by side. She can’t get up into the tractor with me like my Border Collie could. She has a stubborn and a bit of a mean streak but she is food motivated so she isn’t too hard to deal with in those times. Its amusing to watch her as she bites the trash can or a chair or table or whatever inanimate object that we move. When we call her off of something she will be so worked up that her mouth is quivering and sometimes to the point of foaming at the mouth waiting for a chance to bite whatever she object we moved. i could go on and on about her antics, but enough from me. What about y’all anybody have a Heeler? Love them? Hate them?View attachment 2163308View attachment 2163312View attachment 2163313View attachment 2163314View attachment 2163317
She is beautiful! My grandparents male ACD was extremely aggressive with my chicken, he would go out of his way to attack, killed 10+ chickens he was also extremely inbred. We had to get rid of him so they are looking for a new dog. they have cows so they are looking for something that will help move the cattle but is good with chickens. Thinking about cowboy corgi aka ACD×Welsh Corgi wondering if anyone had any experience with that breed and wondering if they were good with chickens.

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