Australians - Where are you all????

Lonely is doing great. I've stared the tedious task of teaching them to eat and drink. They probably get it by now but I stress anyway.
One died just before. It burst it's yolk sack hatching and just didn't recover.
Hi Guinea. Totally understand the overstressing thing! Doing all u can for them is a good thing. Sad that one died. Spose it happens tho! U should sleep extra good tonight tho don't know if u have to wake up to tend them at all. Hope u get a good rest anyway!
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Hi gang. Finally found the link back to the land where posters and non posters are welcome! No rubbish about don't post too short or too long, just a nice group posting with no bullying.

So the chooks are eating - big surprise! They're not doing much else tho having tested them in dog crates foraging the other day i cant wait til I get my new crate that should fit all 8 nicely and they can be my lawnmower (the petrol one won't start and when the neighbour had a go at fixing it was a no go except after he fiddled with it all the petrol drained out overnight. Bewdy ay. Have another crate if too crowded and will buy more if/as needed.

So hows Lonely going and whats her mates name?

Not still doing that washing are you Christie?

And Ray come and put your two cents up!

Anybody else got any questions or contributions to offer?? We don't bite!
All welcome here!
Hey justchookin
Thanks for reviving the thread. I got tired last night

Lonely is growing up soooooo fast. Yesterday morning I couldn't see any feathers, then last night I looked and they're there
Very visible. in like 6 hours.
I haven't named any others yet. ones got a nick name though
it has/had curled toes so its got tape on its toes. guess its name
Tape Toes. jump up and down if you think my naming is just downright the best ever.
Yes I do like it! Wonder how long before u get totally tongue tied with Tape Toes.

I know very little about broody hens and incubating side of things! Don't think I ever can cos neighbour would b nasty if got roo. Other neighbour wants to kill my girls for me and eat them as soon as non productive. Makes me want to live in the country!

Is it a wonder I prefer animals to people on the whole?!

Wonder how Christies hen is doing? I get attached to other peoples chooks too!!
u got patience! Starting to hate technology cos it cracks up on me - hate fiddle! Specially when it goes bum up anyway... Gotta find something for lunch

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