Australians - Where are you all????

Heya all, I don't really get on BYC much had a horrid end to 2012... Still suffering from it.
Worked out how I lost one of my chickens today... I feel horrid that I wasn't home to do anything :(

Anyways Happy Aussie day for yesterday
and that I hope everyone in QLD Is staying safe ( I live in QLD and I can't go back home yet I don't think :( )
Hi I am new to this site and am finding it very helpful. I live in the Great Southern in West Australia in a small and I mean small town called Woodanilling.
Ballarat currently, but due to a bad dose of Chicken Math I may have to move to Learmonth or Lexton, or somewhere with more than a 5-chook limit

Hi Vichee,
I'm also in WA, down in Albany, Your probably the closest person I've stumbled across on here. Do you have many chooks or are you just starting out?
Hi softboiled, I also think I need to buy a few acres so I can keep a few roosters...there are quite a few varieties I would like but just don't have the space....
I'm in Bundaberg QLD. I'm only 21 but crazy for my girls. I've got 3 silkie hens and a 3 week old Australorp chick.
We got hammered here in Bundy with the floods but thanking our lucky feathers our home was untouched.
I spent a good 6 hours securing the coops in torrential rain and wind, tarping the roof so no water got into Chaz's bedding (my australorp chick)
There is no more frustrating task than trying to secure a tiny tarp to a fence and coop with only laundry pegs! -_- that was NOT enjoyable. A lot of trial and error there.
However i did it because there is nothing more important to me than my girls. I had the pet carriers lined and waiting in case the water rose and we had to get evacuated.
My partner kept yelling at me to get inside and to stop being stupid "they're animals, they're fine". Oh heeeellllll no, that kinda made me want to stay out more :)

Proud to be an Aussie, Proud to be a Queenslander, Proud to be a BackYard Chicken Mama!

Are there any other Bundabergians out there? :)
Hi, I'm at Turkey Beach, a couple of hours north of you. Hope you have started to dry out now after that awful flooding. Bundy was certainly hit hard. We have a happy, free ranging flock of mixed breed hens, a few muscovy ducks and 5 guinea fowl. We have kept chooks for about five years now - would eventually like to have pure bred Australorps. They are good for both egg production and meat. We always let our girls sit when they get broody. It gives me a warm, satisfying feeling watching a mother hen clucking quietly to her brood, as she teaches them to scratch, roost, etc. Our muscovies have bred successfully also, but not so the guinea fowl. They seem to lay a pile of eggs, sit for a while then abandon them. We lose a few birds to wedgetail eagles and goannas, but that is a fact of life where we live. We have 5 acres of unfenced bushland that is home to a huge number of various wildlife. I visit this great site from time to time, especially if I have a problem, but only today found this Aussie thread. Cheers to all you fellow Aussies.

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