Australians - Where are you all????

not too far from me.
What colour and quality are your Wyandottes? I may be interested in buying some.
I have gold laced and blue laced. It's hatching season at the moment, so not too many around for sale. They need a few months growth yet. I am breeding them for show, but any that are close to show quality I keep. It the seconds that I will sell, so they are backyard quality.
Hi there.

I have a pen of mixed blue laced and gold laced. All gold based, but three different possible outcomes in lacing - Black, blue or what we tend to call splash which is a double dose of blue - looks like a white lace with a bit of leaky black here and there. Fertility is only at about 60% atm with the rosecomb cock bird in there, but you can have some if you want them. Just take more than you need and throw out the infertiles. Are you close enough to pick up. I hate posting. Something always seems to go wrong and people get cranky. I'd rather people pick up and get them fresh. Do you incubate or use broodies?
Both. Depending on what I have available.
I won't be able to get anything for a month or so but I'm definitely interested. I have Been searching for BLR Wyandottes for awhile now. would I be able to see photos of them? You could PM or email me.
Mine are Blue Laced Gold, not Blue Laced Red. The Blue Laced Red are in development by a couple of breeders in Australia but not 'out there' yet. The ones being created have been made from blue laced gold with added rhode island red to give the darker mahogany red, rather than the paler gold base of some of the US birds. They will be more along the lines of the UK birds. I don't have those though. I only have the blue laced gold. I'll see if I can find a photo for you.

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