Australians - Where are you all????

things are a lot better. the fire is under control! but its really windy and where the fire is, is forestry. valery, some of our
family has had the back of thier place burn't out! we were lucky. not a bit. but we still have to be careful.... and miles and nessa's place was where we went and saved bacause they went to a wedding up north. they got home at 10:00 at night. a lot of the country has been burn't and i hope the fences have stood up! now all i got to owrry about is school! at times i hate homeschooling but its okay. hmmmmm, got heaps to do today!
thank you so much for your support!
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So glad everything's ok. And
to you for being such a fabulous neighbour.
I'm still painting, I've got a fair bit done today though. In just about to climb up on a roof, I have to to reach a part of the next coop wall. And I must admit, I'm a little scared of heights. So this should be interesting.
things are a lot better. the fire is under control! but its really windy and where the fire is, is forestry. valery, some of our
family has had the back of thier place burn't out! we were lucky. not a bit. but we still have to be careful.... and miles and nessa's place was where we went and saved bacause they went to a wedding up north. they got home at 10:00 at night. a lot of the country has been burn't and i hope the fences have stood up! now all i got to owrry about is school! at times i hate homeschooling but its okay. hmmmmm, got heaps to do today!
thank you so much for your support!

So glad everything turned out fine
That sounds like one terrifying experience. And no... not 50ft fires... that just proves it that I know nothing about them, I was imagining an incy half-metre flame burning your front lawn...

That's so nice, helping out your neighbours and everything. One of the joys of living in the country, I guess.
well, I'm exhausted. I did all of the browny/creamy colour in two days. these pictures are only showing half of it too.
I have to do another coat of the purple but I think i'll be able to get away with just one on the browny colour. Do you all agree?



what do you guys and girls think?
Thank you.
I just can't wait to have it finished. I think I'll feel a lot more relaxed when tending to the chickens knowing that there's nothing I have to do to, the coops will all be done.
It looks great! I should probably get round to sprucing mine up. it's corrugated steel, but thanks to how dry it is round here there's not much rust on it.
Nicce painting guinea and glad everyone is safe from the bushfires. Think we all need some rain .. Never thought i would say that again after the floods but we have had next to no rain since.

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