Australians - Where are you all????

Oh, there are words... if you can find them among everything else.
That's so cute! True blue Aussie from birth!

My first word, my parents say, was 'bus'.
Great indicator of times to come, I could probably fill a pillow with the used tickets I've gone through.

The S word grew on me. It slips out, although I'm careful around adults who actually care.

you can say that again! and by 2 i was saying crikey and strewth!

bus... hmmm. i have never been on public transport (besides a taxi) i mean, for a bus just going around town...

I have actually never said crikey in my life. But now that you've mentioned it, I'm going to have to start, aren't I?

I take the bus most days after school to the city centre, where my parents work. And as we only have one car, if we all have different schedules it's the bus for me.
silky christie? what happened? what are you talkign about! TELL ME!!!

One of her egg clutches exploded under the broody.
ray's two cents :

you can say that again! and by 2 i was saying crikey and strewth!

bus... hmmm. i have never been on public transport (besides a taxi) i mean, for a bus just going around town...

I have actually never said crikey in my life. But now that you've mentioned it, I'm going to have to start, aren't I?

I take the bus most days after school to the city centre, where my parents work. And as we only have one car, if we all have different schedules it's the bus for me.

where do you live again?
I have actually never said crikey in my life. But now that you've mentioned it, I'm going to have to start, aren't I?

I take the bus most days after school to the city centre, where my parents work. And as we only have one car, if we all have different schedules it's the bus for me.

where do you live again?


(Yeah, the city where nothing EVER happens.)
ray's two cents :

silky christie? what happened? what are you talkign about! TELL ME!!!

One of her egg clutches exploded under the broody.

aww! no! you had me scared justchookin! i thought Stalkers - Chritie Loves Silkies and silky_3699 had been closed down!
it was just the silky christie part that made me go OMG!
ray's two cents :

You're lucky. The mods closed down all the other threads that had been started for two person chat.

dont scare me!

Message to Mods: Please do not close down me and christies thread! we love you!

gotta go, be back in 15 mins​
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