Australorp/Croad Langshan


5 Years
Feb 23, 2014
Isle of Wight UK
I have been punishing my new found friends on BYC , as to the I D of my big lumbering greeeen cockerel .Got in contact on line with a chap who go's by the name of Ian. He said it might have some Croad Langshan in my Australop/Jersey Giant.
Just how many other look-a-likes are there I wonder
. He looks bigger than a C L, but he has pink feet.
Here are the facts------------uhem
He looks like a Jersey Giant.
and an Australorp.
Characteristics ---------------uHEM
Big ,dark green, dopey

Hello YardRaven!! I was wondering when you would resurface.

Well then I guess you have a Mutt on your hands! BUT....he sure is pretty. He looks huge. Have you weighed him yet? I am sure you are a big strong man....pick this handsome boy up and get on a scale with him!

He is a beauty!!!
Hello YardRaven!! I was wondering when you would resurface.

Well then I guess you have a Mutt on your hands! BUT....he sure is pretty. He looks huge. Have you weighed him yet? I am sure you are a big strong man....pick this handsome boy up and get on a scale with him!

He is a beauty!!!

It's Tony. Hi. Yeah he's 11lb 8oz or, 12lb 3oz, more or less.
It's a----------------- have you tried to weigh a wriggling green feathered mass the size of a Roman Centurion
. Not that I'm a fisherman but it must be the same as landing a great white with a butterfly net.
MUTT !!!
lol. He's a new breed / first of his kind . He's a---------------------------------------------------- open to suggestions for a breed name." keep it clean " lol
I've called him Hades and he loves garden worms. I can't physically dig anymore garden. But I think I've won his trust and it doesn't hurt anymore when grabs a piece of my hand as well as the worm. He comes to me now whenever I make an appearance, which puts a big smile on my face " kinda " . I'm a man so I don't get all------------ um" fuzzy " It is pretty cool though lol. What do you have ? And do they glow in the dark lol
LOL....AHhhhhh....Glow In The Dark Chickens!!!!!

Hi Tony....I keep Black Australorps. Just love them to pieces. Big lap babies!! They beg to sit on my lap...scratch on my pant legs, pick at my shoes and try to hop on me if I an kneeling down. LOL They are spoiled rotten. Don't even know how to go to roost at night unless I get them all tucked into bed!
But they are my babies.

I think you should just call your big boy "Raven". A respectable name for a beautiful black bird! His scientific breed name...."Corvus Corax Gallus Domesticus"!!!
(Common Raven Domestic Chicken)

Great that he is warming up to you. You wouldn't want to get on his bad side. LOL

Enjoy this gorgeous bird!
-Leyla :)
LOL....AHhhhhh....Glow In The Dark Chickens!!!!!

Hi Tony....I keep Black Australorps. Just love them to pieces. Big lap babies!! They beg to sit on my lap...scratch on my pant legs, pick at my shoes and try to hop on me if I an kneeling down. LOL They are spoiled rotten. Don't even know how to go to roost at night unless I get them all tucked into bed!
But they are my babies.

I think you should just call your big boy "Raven". A respectable name for a beautiful black bird! His scientific breed name...."Corvus Corax Gallus Domesticus"!!!
(Common Raven Domestic Chicken)

Great that he is warming up to you. You wouldn't want to get on his bad side. LOL

Enjoy this gorgeous bird!
-Leyla :)

Hey Leyla. My CCGD lol is to much of a lump to perch. He thuds down on the coop floor with his head on it's side. Sorry about the glow in the dark thing, " couldn't resist
That is so cool, I mean, all the affection you share with your birds. I hope I can achieve that level of closeness with mine. My Light Sussex are curious and peck at my pant legs, but I'm sure their only scoping out weather they're edible, lol. I'm even more exited about getting some Australorp eggs.
Tony ---

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