Australorp Pride! Let's see those pics!


Mace Gill

May 26, 2017
New Jersey
coco hunkered.jpg
My little flock is predominantly black australorps. LOVE 'EM!

Let's see those pics people! Show your pride! I know *I'd* like to see some pics of white, blue, and lavender australorps! :)
Yes, she is always striking a pose, haha.

Yours are beautiful too... and to mr shafer - they just get prettier as they develop:lol:! Carmen has a sister Hermione, who is almost as pretty but I'm such a poor photographer I have no good pic.View attachment 1020858 This is Carmen as a baby, striking a pose there too!
It may interest you to know that one of our girls is also named Hermione :) she's smaller, but also the alpha hen!

For the record ... our eight (nine) australops are:
Coq Au Vin (our rooster, flock leader, middle management)
Hermione (our punk rock girl and alpha female)
Matilda ('sweetie face', former union leader and upper management liaison ... the hens have elected a new union leader, but haven't told upper management who that is yet)
Mildred (momma)
Myrtle (who has a bent toe, but is inexplicably faster than the other girls)
Hildegard (who likes to perch on high)
Ermatrude (the largest of our Aussie hens with a baritone voice, but still regularly exclaims "I'm a delicate flower!")
Hortense (who, although she is not the bottom of the pecking order, likes to be by herself and couldn't give a fig about flock politics)

And honorable mention to Floki - may he rest in peace - rooster, usurper, and temporary flock leader.

Also, we have two Jersey Giants ... but this is an Australorp thread!

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