...Australorp with color leakage? Give me your opinion on my friendliest hen chick <3

Feathering pattern thoughts:

  • Splash Australorp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cross Breed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not an Australorp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jan 7, 2024
Island of Hawaii
My Coop
My Coop
As the title suggests, I have a very lovely little lady, Shio, in my flock who is not feathering out exactly as expected, though I still find her perfect in her own way.

I ordered two Black Australorps from a local hatchery. I have noticed a large variation in breed standards of birds from this hatchery in the form of my Sebrights. As for the Australorps: Huli, looks very "Black Australorp" in comparison to my question bird. Both are extremely friendly and have the black legs with pale tan/white plantar surface. Differences I have noticed in table below.
Feather sheenWhiteGreen
Face FeatheringPiebaldFeathering out black
Breast Featheringwhite tipsall black

Photos: 1 & 2 of Shio, the mystery splash? Australorp
3 Huli, the more standard appearing Black Astralorp
4 is of both, sorry for blur. They are very active. Arrow pointing to Shio, the mystery hen.

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I'm only speculating here, but it looks to me like both of those birds are going to have white earlobes. If so, they are not Australorps. The spotted one could be an Ancona, and the other could be a black Andalusian. I'm interested in reading what others have to say.

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