Australorps breed Thread

Hello my name is Zach from northeast Iowa and I am looking for Austrolorp Roosters for my brother's 4-h project. They don't have to be perfect just clean and healthy. Anyone able to help?

@MrsBrooke who lives in Texas recently had some posted. I did not check to see if they are all gone yet as I am only inside for a short bit and trying to get caught up on emails but at least worth a check as that was a link given to me a few weeks back.

I would be delighted to help any and all, but we are in no shape to ship eggs at the moment (our next generation should start laying in a month or so), and we simply cannot ship chicks... The thought of it makes MrB *extremely* sad ("You mean, they put them in a BOX and SHIP them?"), so he forbids it. :p

I certainly hope you find what you are looking for...... Wish I could be of more help!

Rain rain go away come again some other day.

My pens are flooding. We have all of our flocks ( except the game birds ) ranging together in our front acre. I feel like they need webbed feet.

The ducks,
are simply enjoying themselves.
So. I'm pretty short on eggs of all kinds. Pretty short on water boots for chickens. Pretty short on dry ground. I think I need a john boat and a lantern, I'll just start floatin' to town for supplies. LOL

Mrs. B. Ya'll staying semi-dry down there?
Mrs. B. Ya'll staying semi-dry down there?


There is the most amazing puddle of poop-water in the middle of the run. Faaaaaantastic!

It's been a while since I had to use MrB's muck boots to feed and water the feathered wonders. Soggy chickens are REALLY ugly!

Sad story: A few days ago, one of our broody mama's chicks slipped under our wooden fence where the dogs were... They worried it to death. I tried saving him, but the trauma was too much. Buried the little guy out by the garden. Very sad. :( On a positive note, they just wanted to play... rather than tear him to pieces.

Happy story: Of the nine chicks that are left, I believe only TWO are roosters. :D Bring on the eggs!

@MrsBrooke Sorry for your lost, but the good news was quite cheering. Thanks for sharing. I love hatches with very few males.

My son hatched some chicks with his 4H club. When they split up the hatch we received 3 pullets and one little roo. For some reason no one else in his group knows how to sex chicks. They are a month now and we are the only ones that are sure of what we have.

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