Australorps breed Thread

See what you started ! Rose Marie is afraid of snakes ..LOL
Never even seen a snake near the hen house ...actually I havent seen a snake at all this year ..maybe the chickens took care of that
to get to our nesting boxes the snake would have to .
go through the fence ...jump up on the upsidedown pedestal pot ...climb up the steep ramp ..walk / slither on the floor .... hop into the nesting boxes
Our nesting boxes are in our old 4 x 4 foot coop .. We raised it up for more room in the run . So the ramp was too short to touch the ground .They roost in the enclosed run .
We will winterize it more when it gets colder .
old coop/ nesting house is on the right , Middlle door is the big girls coop / run , Left door is the babies ( 4 months ) coop / run

inside big girls coop / run

inside babies coop / run..Young Hens as they mature will go into the big girls run .. roosters to the freezer

inside the henhouse....Lucky trying to teach the girls to go broody ..see the ramp..about 3 foot off the ground

the nest boxes

End of Tour
you just better be careful reaching in there like that. Snakes can get in. :)
When you said that about reaching in the nest box and not being able to see just reminded me of a story my Mom had told me about gathering eggs and reaching up where she couldn't see. She grabbed a snake! Her egg gathering days were over. I had a friend that told me about his wife doing the same thing this year.

I really don't think a snake could get to my nest boxes either but I will still take a look in before I go sticking my hand in there!

I grabbed a 3' long rat snake curled up under a broody.Obviously the hen was in broody La-La Land, but that snake woke up in a hurry. Took me a few days to finally get him.He had eaten the hen's one chick.
When you said that about reaching in the nest box and not being able to see just reminded me of a story my Mom had told me about gathering eggs and reaching up where she couldn't see. She grabbed a snake! Her egg gathering days were over. I had a friend that told me about his wife doing the same thing this year.

I really don't think a snake could get to my nest boxes either but I will still take a look in before I go sticking my hand in there!

Now I will think about a snake.... when I stick my hand in also...I saw them all the time before we had chickens ..
Now not at all ..
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I looked out the window one day and the purple martins were circling the house and would not land. I stared at the scene closer and a black snake had climbed the metal pole. I grabbed the shotgun blew him/her in half and six purple martin babies were inside that snake. Snakes can climb into almost anything.
I looked out the window one day and the purple martins were circling the house and would not land. I stared at the scene closer and a black snake had climbed the metal pole. I grabbed the shotgun blew him/her in half and six purple martin babies were inside that snake. Snakes can climb into almost anything.
Ick ! All dead ?

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