Australorps breed Thread

My Christmas chicks are spending their first night without a light on. Its only supposed to be in the 40/50 range tonight, they'll pile and be fine I hope. I need them ready to be kicked out to their outside pen by next Friday when my next batch gets here ( two weeks early!)

Don't really like tossing them out this early, but I can run a lamp out there if it gets back into the 20/30 range.

It was 80 yesterday, and high 70s today. Sweated like a dog working on pens.
My Christmas chicks are spending their first night without a light on. Its only supposed to be in the 40/50 range tonight, they'll pile and be fine I hope. I need them ready to be kicked out to their outside pen by next Friday when my next batch gets here ( two weeks early!)

Don't really like tossing them out this early, but I can run a lamp out there if it gets back into the 20/30 range.

It was 80 yesterday, and high 70s today. Sweated like a dog working on pens.
Good Job!
If I could post a picture from my phone of the step by step I would. Seven hours of framing, fighting, bleeding, and yelling at my cheap drill bits later I got accomplished what can be seen on my blog page thing. Not much, except I did that solo. LOL
My Christmas chicks are spending their first night without a light on.

Sounds like they will be fine ...You gave me a panic attack 1st ..As I live in the frigid State of New York ..
supposed to be down near zero tonight ..
And they would be dead chickcicles here ...but I see you are in Texas it is okay
Thanks ...I love the little girl ...first chick I ever took a shower with LOL or I should say she took a shower with me
this is her after her shower .. I had to blow dry her with a hair dyer after that she was freezing...She was one lonely chick & would scream if I got out of her sight ...which is why she ended up in the shower with me ..she jumped right in .

No heart attacks!! We've been in the 80s all week!
LETS SAY you got my hackles up ...Neat Pic of your roo with his hackles up ..

That chick is adorable. All wet from its attempt at being human.
Thanks ...she was 1 or 2 days then ...she got a little better after her sister hatched ...before that she just had me ...she is still pretty tame ...I can carry her around as I wish
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My Christmas chicks are spending their first night without a light on. Its only supposed to be in the 40/50 range tonight, they'll pile and be fine I hope. I need them ready to be kicked out to their outside pen by next Friday when my next batch gets here ( two weeks early!)

Don't really like tossing them out this early, but I can run a lamp out there if it gets back into the 20/30 range.

It was 80 yesterday, and high 70s today. Sweated like a dog working on pens.
Whoa! Quite a difference in temp. Do you mind me asking where are you getting birds that are being sent 2 weeks early? I ask because I have heard this about some hatcheries.

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