Australorps breed Thread

It also may be a lack of protein  Is she at the bottom of the pecking order ? she may not be getting enough .

All Mine will eat any broken egg .

Have you tried upping their protein? Sometimes that does help. She may have stepped on one one day and then realized they were delicious, or, she may be lacking something.
It also may be a lack of protein  Is she at the bottom of the pecking order ? she may not be getting enough .

All Mine will eat any broken egg .
I would keep her separate others dont pick it up ...if she can not be broken of it .

I give them several piles of food every day, so that all of them get a chance to eat. If they get booted off one pile, they can go to another one. They free-range the rest of the day. I fill their coop feeder up after they roost, so they always have access to their feed and water (if I'm unable to let then out at the crack of dawn). I feel like she just likes eggs. And who can blame her??

She's separate now in a pen with one of our spare roosters. They seem to like the new arrangement. :) I'll see if there's a half-eating egg tomorrow and go from there.

If the picture would load I made door blocks with scrap wood. Old timey style.

What is your plan for a floor? Noticed you have timber keeping the kiddies from escaping under the gate :) I'm guessing you are still locking them elsewhere at night as not predator proof yet?
What is your plan for a floor? Noticed you have timber keeping the kiddies from escaping under the gate :) I'm guessing you are still locking them elsewhere at night as not predator proof yet?

Correct. Tomorrow or Wednesday I'm going to be hauling dirt from the dirt pile and going over the top of the skirt that was lain today. To keep them from digging under. I also have glass we picked up that's broken up which will be put above the skirt but under the dirt.

The babies, until the new arrivals get here, are still sleeping in the brooder.
We have four Australorps, and we think one is a rooster. They're 3 weeks old and the suspect chick has a lot thicker legs and very little tail development. Would love to hear your opinions. Hopefully the pics are useful.



And here's one of its sisters for comparison.

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