Australorps breed Thread

She will be back to better looking than ever in several weeks.

Cutting the calcium is a good thing to do when they are not laying eggs. There is extra calcium in layer which is bad for them when they are not using it to make eggs.

A rule of thumb is to not give them more than about 10%of their feed as treats--Even BOSS and etc. There is no real hard set number though. Just give them a bit once a day. If you do not have a lot of chickens, then your kitchen waste would be too much for them.

You are doing a good job!
Oh geez I've been giving my frazzle yes frazzle bantam a ton of sos
she has looked like this for 6 + months. However, she is finally growing some porky Pine's . Thank goodness! I thought I was going to have to make her a sweater
not my prettiest hen! I love her though . Back to Oreo .
I have 6 big girls and 4 new layers and one not laying yet. I have both grower and layer with some flax in them. How should I go about feeding the rest of the flock? The younger ones just started laying I n the last 3 weeks. Should I put both layer and grower in coop or pull layer. Honestly with day light and most are not laying anyways. Should I just give grower?
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Oh geez I've been giving my frazzle yes frazzle bantam a ton of sos she has looked like this for 6 + months. However, she is finally growing some porky Pine's . Thank goodness! I thought I was going to have to make her a sweater
not my prettiest hen! I love her though . Back to Oreo .
I have 6 big girls and 4 new layers and one not laying yet. I have both grower and layer with some flax in them. How should I go about feeding the rest of the flock? The younger ones just started laying I n the last 3 weeks. Should I put both layer and grower in coop or pull layer. Honestly with day light and most are not laying anyways. Should I just give grower?
Give them all grower and provide oyster shell calcium on the side--I use plastic chick feeders for extra calcium.
These pictures are of a 19 week old Black Autralorp from a hatchery sexed batch. I am thinking it is a cockerel, but haven't had any crowing yet, so holding out some hope that it could be a pullet.

These pictures are of a 19 week old Black Autralorp from a hatchery sexed batch. I am thinking it is a cockerel, but haven't had any crowing yet, so holding out some hope that it could be a pullet.

Definitely a cockerel, he's got lots of pointy hackle and saddle feathers...sorry!
Definitely a cockerel, he's got lots of pointy hackle and saddle feathers...sorry!

Thank you maddogdodge. This is our first set of chickens. I think I see and understand the saddle feathers. The hackle feathers are trickier for me because we have a sex link that has similar feathers on the neck. Learning from as much as possible from everybody.
Thank you maddogdodge. This is our first set of chickens. I think I see and understand the saddle feathers. The hackle feathers are trickier for me because we have a sex link that has similar feathers on the neck. Learning from as much as possible from everybody.
No problems. It can be hard to get your head around at first!

These two pictures clearly show the difference in feathers :)

My rooster has lots of pointy feathers around his neck and just behind his wings.

And you can see on my hen that all the feathers have nice round ends on them :)

I just was thinking cutting back fruit veggies but I'll keep veggies and seeds. Does the rooster booster help the girls with there molts? I'll go get some more yogurt it's on sale yeah! At least she is not like my Mille! She's been on the roost for almost 30 days !
however she is looking fantastic! Oreo is my super fun loud hen who loves her food!!! Struck me as odd when she was standing staring quite featherless and not making a move or noise.. No, I feel bad for her! She's such a beauty inside and out! I hate seeing her naked. Plus I have not had a egg for about a week. She's my best producer but would rather have her heathy. She's also a good brood! Thank you so much ! Everyone ! I'm going to drop some $ at the feed store now.
What brand probiotics do you buy?

Nutri Source makes two poultry probiotic + electrolyte + vitamin powders, one for chicks and one for adults. The adult one is pretty hard to find in the stores around here, but the chick booster is readily available and many feed stores. During molt, if I can't find the adult formula I will add a scoop of the chick formula to their fermented feed, or sometimes just add plain Greek yogurt or Kefir to their feed instead.

Another thing I've used with some success is the addition of mashed hard-boiled egg sprinkled atop their food, or raw fish or shellfish provided to them as an extremely nutritious treat. When I'd bought some sockeye salmon for our dinner, whoever had filleted it left a bit too much of the belly and fins on the filet, so I cut it off and gave it to my chickens. They devoured it! Sin and all! And had a great time doing it. I noticed sudden extensive new feather growth in my nearly naked Aussie, Lulu, the very next morning. From that point on I gave them scraps...such as the tail end of the fish that my family doesn't really like, whenever I prepared any kind of fish. I also added raw dessicated organic bison liver to their feed occasionally via the treats I'd bought for my dogs. Protein and methionone are really the keys when it comes to new feather growth, as feathers are made from protein. That's part of the reason why chicks require so much more protein that adults, so they have enough not only for normal growth, but also to support that feather growth.

You might also consider putting a saddle on your girl until her back feathers grow in...especially as the temps begin to drop. It may not be necessary, but it sure made me feel better when I did it for my girl, LOL.
Nutri Source makes two poultry probiotic + electrolyte + vitamin powders, one for chicks and one for adults. The adult one is pretty hard to find in the stores around here, but the chick booster is readily available and many feed stores. During molt, if I can't find the adult formula I will add a scoop of the chick formula to their fermented feed, or sometimes just add plain Greek yogurt or Kefir to their feed instead.

Another thing I've used with some success is the addition of mashed hard-boiled egg sprinkled atop their food, or raw fish or shellfish provided to them as an extremely nutritious treat. When I'd bought some sockeye salmon for our dinner, whoever had filleted it left a bit too much of the belly and fins on the filet, so I cut it off and gave it to my chickens. They devoured it! Sin and all! And had a great time doing it. I noticed sudden extensive new feather growth in my nearly naked Aussie, Lulu, the very next morning. From that point on I gave them scraps...such as the tail end of the fish that my family doesn't really like, whenever I prepared any kind of fish. I also added raw dessicated organic bison liver to their feed occasionally via the treats I'd bought for my dogs. Protein and methionone are really the keys when it comes to new feather growth, as feathers are made from protein. That's part of the reason why chicks require so much more protein that adults, so they have enough not only for normal growth, but also to support that feather growth.

You might also consider putting a saddle on your girl until her back feathers grow in...especially as the temps begin to drop. It may not be necessary, but it sure made me feel better when I did it for my girl, LOL.
Great tips!

Angie hearts lives in California.

I have not turned on the heat at my place yet and used the air conditioner just a couple of days ago. Molting chickens will be fine here.
Nutri Source makes two poultry probiotic + electrolyte + vitamin powders, one for chicks and one for adults. The adult one is pretty hard to find in the stores around here, but the chick booster is readily available and many feed stores. During molt, if I can't find the adult formula I will add a scoop of the chick formula to their fermented feed, or sometimes just add plain Greek yogurt or Kefir to their feed instead.

Another thing I've used with some success is the addition of mashed hard-boiled egg sprinkled atop their food, or raw fish or shellfish provided to them as an extremely nutritious treat.  When I'd bought some sockeye salmon for our dinner, whoever had filleted it left a bit too much of the belly and fins on the filet, so I cut it off and gave it to my chickens. They devoured it! Sin and all! And had a great time doing it. I noticed sudden extensive new feather growth in my nearly naked Aussie, Lulu, the very next morning. From that point on I gave them scraps...such as the tail end of the fish that my family doesn't really like, whenever I prepared any kind of fish. I also added raw dessicated organic bison liver to their feed occasionally via the treats I'd bought for my dogs. Protein and methionone are really the keys when it comes to new feather growth, as feathers are made from protein. That's part of the reason why chicks require so much more protein that adults, so they have enough not only for normal growth, but also to support that feather growth. 

You might also consider putting a saddle on your girl until her back feathers grow in...especially as the temps begin to drop. It may not be necessary, but it sure made me feel better when I did it for my girl, LOL. :rolleyes:

That's Perfect! I have salmon skin right now and some Greek yogurt. I'll go give the two worst molters the treats. I changed all food to grower and I have a bag of starter. Guess the layer will lay in the garage for a few weeks. Lol .., there's a great store by me that carries bison. It's pretty low in fat right? This is when I wish my husband still hunted elk and deer. Would come in great use right now! The Cochin has looked so terrible for months! I've been shoving handfuls of SOS in her coop everyday. She actually started to grow the porky pines all over again. Yeah! Oreo still sitting pretty still! ! I may buy 2-3 saddles. I have one more bird in a hard molt but happy as a clam and still laying. Thank you so much!!!!!
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