Australorps breed Thread

Welcome Oz-E-Chick,
                                   it's good to have another Aussie on the thread. Can you tell us a bit about your 'lorps and maybe post some pics. It's much easier here than on backyardpoultry. Glad you enjoyed the historical stuff. There's more back a few pages and more to come.
Cheers Geoff from Aus

Hi Geoff. My aussies are definately not show quality just your average jo blo's just like me lol. I have them seperated for breeding right now but i will try to get some pictures for you.
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It's me. I stupidly picked up a bag of feed and carried it into the feed room. It caused compression fx of my lower spine pinching my right sciatic nerve. Takes me hours to get moving in the morning. Bed rest is the worst thing for it. Thank you for your concern. Chickens are happy as clams. LOL I have one hen that was still sitting.

The flash kinda washed out her color. She was not happy with it either and left the nest right after the photo shoot. I'll check on her later to see if she went back.
Goodness, not good. You have to take care of yourself. I know it must be driving you crazy to have to slow down, but follow doctor's orders.

The hen definitely looked she was not happy to have you there with a camera. It is great to know that these girls are broody. One of the advantages/disadvantages of the heritage breeds.

Introducing, Mathilda the Broody Hen and her brood~ The Homegrown5 and the Wilco5

The California Whites are called Snowflake and Domino; the rest of the Wilco 5 are called Elektra, Storm and Endora...
as for the Homegrown5, their gender is yet to be names are TBA
It's me. I stupidly picked up a bag of feed and carried it into the feed room. It caused compression fx of my lower spine pinching my right sciatic nerve. Takes me hours to get moving in the morning. Bed rest is the worst thing for it. Thank you for your concern. Chickens are happy as clams. LOL I have one hen that was still sitting.

The flash kinda washed out her color. She was not happy with it either and left the nest right after the photo shoot. I'll check on her later to see if she went back.
Man, sorry to hear about the back, but glad to hear about the pullets. This girl looks serious! Is that a good color of her eye, or is it washed out too? I have had a few with brown eyes, but most are very dark. Glad to see you with so many to choose from!! ....stan
Thought you might like to see how Outback and the pullets are shaping up. The older rooster pulled several of the cockerel's sickle feathers, but I am really happy with all of them. I can't imagine how big they are going to get. They are huge. The pullets are 6 months and Outback is 7 months.


I spoke with Maggie Lindemann this morning. She has moved forward, with the help of a few others and myself, to restart the Australorp club. The BYC thread for the club is

Maggie will need a lot of help. Currently volunteers are needed for officer and director positions. I volunteered as a webmaster. Membership is free until the membe5rs vote otherwise. Come on over and enjoy the fun.

The old breed club information was mailed to Maggie. Not a lot of information. She is going to forward it to me so I can scan it and upload so all can see.
We just got approved today by Maggie, I hope all the other BA breeders and owners will contact her and get envolved so we can find the ones out there who have great lines to share with those of us who have been struggling to improve the breed here in the states.
Thought you might like to see how Outback and the pullets are shaping up. The older rooster pulled several of the cockerel's sickle feathers, but I am really happy with all of them. I can't imagine how big they are going to get. They are huge. The pullets are 6 months and Outback is 7 months.


nice looking cockerel, do you have more pics ?

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