Auto Bailout.......

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The auto bailout is just another symptom of a systemic problem that goes back to the entire monetary system world wide. By the time this all stabilizes the world wide commerce and trade system could look very different.

In the meantime we could all be learning the true nature of the word barter.
Ford is the one of the big three I see coming through to the other side of this mess. I'm not condoning the bailout at all, I'm completely against it - but they're the company that has the most global going on, and they aren't in anywhere near as bad of shape as GMC.

Did you know they're selling a diesel overseas that gets 65 mpg? Of course they can't bring it here because of the fuel economy laws that govern what can and can't be sold here (I'm sure changing the emissions on it would drop that mpg rate, but not by that much!). The number of laws piled onto the American auto makers is staggering, couple that with having to deal with the unions and the well-earned lousy quality reputation, it is a wonder they are still in business.

Obama is going to have to break the unions to get anywhere on this. What democrat wants to do that? It's going to be interesting to see how this is all handled - you can be sure the current administration isn't going to do it!
Learn why your country is run like it is. Listen 24/7 and then learn to read. Do not take anyones' word for anything.

Without even looking at the sources, this comment is an oxymoron. You ask BYCers to listen 24/7 and then in the same breath tell them not to take anybody's word for anything. Just saying...
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i know this is easier said than done, but if you or your spouse are worrying that you might or you KNOW that eventually you will get laid off... go find another job NOW!! Don't sit and wait for the gov't or God to step in to pay your bills. It's a pretty good chance that neither will. Go help yourselves. It's a whole lot easier to look for a job when you have a car and a house, still. Things change, so must you.
The unions are a major reason the auto industry is in this pickle. They can't make decisions just based on what is good for the company when the unions are standing there holding the rope connected to the ring in their nose and saying "Oh no, we need to go this way." Unless unions are broken, this will only be a perpetual cycle even if the government does bail them out this time. It will only happen again on down the line.
My feelings on this won't change. Even if they broke the backs of the workers,The savings would not be passed on to the consumers! The executives would just get bigger bonuses. They need to lighten the load at the top of the garbage pail. It's corporate greed that put them where they're at.
Take the RR for example. they've been posting record highs the last few years. But they're always cutting my DH's benefits because they say that they're operating costs are too high. Where does this make sense? Why do the train engineers become officials the last few years before retirement? Because the pension plan is just way to good to give up. Plus at retirement they get to keep their health care. The bonuses while they're still working don't hurt either. Doesn't sound like the union worker is getting the majority of the pie here. So why would I assume thet the auto industry is any different.
I just read an article in Forbes that states the differences in labor costs between a GM plant and the Toyota plant was $1000.00. So why is there such a difference in the cost of the auto? Granted the GM plant is non union,but the pay looks the same.
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