Automatic LOCKING pop door (added a light switch)


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
Tennessee Plateau
Still waiting on a timer to install in coop. I got the idea off the internet some time ago but couldn't find it again when I decided to build one. Did the best I could from memory... works great! iPhone pics and video... excuse the quality.


Here it is in action.
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lol. right on. I'm impressed. You made that yourself? I've been thinking about making my own automatic door I just lack faith in my capabilities. Might be a sucker and just buy that one that you can order online for like $140 or whatever. But for real, great job.
I like the idea of a locking door for the coop great job!. Also the add a motor is a great product for the price compared to a complete unit. I have had one for about 6 months now with no issues.
I added a switch for an idicator light to it today. The light will eventually go in the run somewhere or in the house. I hope the timer gets here soon before I get any more ideas.
It will be painted before install... matter of fact I'll be priming today. There is also plenty of play and will be using parrifin for regular maintenance.
This is what I would like. But no electricity in coop. Need a battery set up... Going to attempt the manual self locking for now and hopefully will figure out how to rig the add a motor to a battery and timer before winter

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