Average Hatch Rate Thread

I just find this fascinating how close it stays to the 50% mark, regardless if you are using a broody or an incubator. Keeps us all a little more realistic! Once in a while, one will get a hatch way above or way below the 50% mark. However, "one should not count their chickens until they hatch!" or maybe even two of three days after they hatch
This thread has started sleeping, so i'm hoping it's ok to go ahead and add my numbers. I got a 96% hatch rate in my incubator this time! I am SO pleased!

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs = 171 + 5 = 176
#chicks = 88 + 4 = 92
Average Hatch Rate = 52.3%

Incubator Hatchers (changed)
#eggs = 640 + 24 = 664
#chicks = 330 + 23 = 353
Average Hatch Rate = 53.2 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 776 + 24 = 800
#chicks: 402 + 23 = 425
AHR = 53.1%
96% is pretty awesome. None of my hens are due a hatch for a week or so, there's too many looking after chicks at the moment.
I was hoping the August Hatch A Longers would chip in with their data too.
Broody: 4 of 5 and 3 of 4
Incubator 80% to 100% for my own flock, and about 50% for shipped eggs if you add them all together. Currently I have eggs from Florida shipped during the awful heat. Of my dozen, 2 weren't fertile. Day 14: 2 of the 10 left were 'stinky' and no movement so they got pitched. Go looks like 8 of 12 are going to be going into lockdown next week.
Had a 82% hatch rate in the incubator this week, Woo Hoo!

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs = 176 = 176
#chicks = 92 = 92
Average Hatch Rate = 52.3%

Incubator Hatchers (changed)
#eggs = 664 + 17 = 681
#chicks = 353 + 14 = 367
Average Hatch Rate = 53.8 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 176 + 681 = 857
#chicks: 92 + 367 = 459
AHR = 53.5%
I don't know how you'd calculate this

I started out with 11 eggs in bator with a week and a half to go I gave them to my broody hen.
4 were not fertile
1 died at day 16 egg got dropped
by me
1 got crushed by another hen sharing box.

that left us with 5 eggs under my broody white rock

and today the last one hatched around 3 pm today! ALL 5 made it fine!!
they are all alive and dry !!
I would go for 5 of 11 (although perhaps dropping one should make it 5 of 10).
It's up to you if you want to count the infertiles that you disposed of or not.
Broody Hens
#eggs = 176 + 5 = 181
#chicks = 92 + 4 = 96
Average Hatch Rate = 53%

Incubator Hatchers (unchanged)
#eggs = 664 + 17 = 681
#chicks = 353 + 14 = 367
Average Hatch Rate = 53.8 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 181 + 681 = 862
#chicks: 96 + 367 = 463
AHR = 53.7%

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