Average number of eggs per week


6 Years
May 13, 2014
What is the average number of eggs laid by a hen per week. I have 5 (3 Black Austrolorps and 2 Delawares) and I am getting 5-6 eggs per hen per week. That seems like a good number to me but I am a newbie and am not sure.
Different breeds lay different amount of eggs per week on average. When in doubt, I usually Google the breed name and look at the Wikipedia article about that particular breed. Usually it is pretty accurate. One thing to take in consideration is the age of the bird and the health conditions. As the bird gets older the amount of eggs they lay will be reduced. If the hens are in non ideal health, they may also stop or slow down. When they are molting, they stop all together until the molt is complete, this is normal, do not worry. They need all the energy they have available to grow their new feathers. (Usually around18 months molt is a big molt). Seems to me your numbers are pretty good.
Depending on the breed it could be from zero to 6 or 7. Leghorns will be at the high end. RIRs and Australorps nearly as many. There are many other very good laying breeds.

A better question is how many could you expect per year. The reason is, they don't lay non-stop. Generally speaking, pullets will lay at a good rate till their second autumn. Then they'll molt and take a break to rebuild their reproductive tract and grow a new winter coat. Then they'll do the same thing year after year, taking a longer and longer winter break. After the winter break, they'll lay like gangbusters when days get longer again.
Your birds may lay 5 or 6 a week for the next year, then they'll take a few months off - ad infinitum.

A leghorn will lay around 300 a year. Australorps and RIRs about 250. Delawares 150-200.
Breeds that you might expect 200-300 a year from are Ameraucanas, Fayoumis, Dominiques, Hamburgs, Minorcas, Jaerhons, Anconas and Rocks.
Shamos, sebrights, malays, Cornish, cubalayas, phoenix, aseels and even some lines of polish lay well under 100 a year some under 10.

Leghorns are the foundation of all commercial white egg hybrids.

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