Avian Flu back & in MA?

I guess some go just to see that. I actually haven't been there in years. Probably because I lived close.

That makes sense but is sort of weird because people hatch chicks all the time, go find a farm or breed your own or something hahah but yeah, me neither, I went years ago with a friend, I think it may have been middle school or high school, it must have been high school cause I thought we were pretty old hah but I graduated in 2012 and we weren't friends senior year so either way it was a long time ago hahah I'd like to go back eventually but not until this clears up :p
That's very true! The traffic was so bad I remember and even at our little local fair it's bad so probably even worse haha and haha trueeee!!
Eastern! On the south shore. I definitely agree though! I haven't talked to many, maybe I will go join one of the state threads. Also, I'm from Eastern but I've been out there a lot because my brother used to go to UMass Amherst (now he's in grad school somewhere else) and I've been to Six Flags a few times. But mostly my brother and the fact my dog came from a family farm somewhere out there :p it's nice out there but so far away. anyways, hi! Hahah
Eastern! On the south shore. I definitely agree though! I haven't talked to many, maybe I will go join one of the state threads. Also, I'm from Eastern but I've been out there a lot because my brother used to go to UMass Amherst (now he's in grad school somewhere else) and I've been to Six Flags a few times. But mostly my brother and the fact my dog came from a family farm somewhere out there :p it's nice out there but so far away. anyways, hi! Hahah

Very nice! I'm in Palmer, it's about 25 min or so from Worcester. We have a flock of 11 and 3 chicks currently inside.
Very nice! I'm in Palmer, it's about 25 min or so from Worcester. We have a flock of 11 and 3 chicks currently inside.

Oh awesome! We're near Plymouth and Kingston and that area. We have 8 chicks, 7 1/2 weeks old. Turning 8 weeks on Monday. These are our first :)
Oh awesome! We're near Plymouth and Kingston and that area. We have 8 chicks, 7 1/2 weeks old. Turning 8 weeks on Monday. These are our first :)

Oh nice! I love babies. These are our first, as well. Hatched in March, April, May, and Nov. What breeds do you have? We have a mix of everything. Lol
Oh nice! I love babies. These are our first, as well. Hatched in March, April, May, and Nov. What breeds do you have? We have a mix of everything. Lol

Me too! They're too cute! They grow so fast though! And oh wow, you have a pretty big variety! Ours were all hatched the same time, October 26th. We have a mix of everything too! Lol 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Easter Eggers. Guess that's not that much variety after all hah I went back and forth on just getting like 1 each of 8 breeds but settled on pairs :p I really wanted Speckled Sussex too and was considering Wyandotte but they didn't have either. :( maybe next year or the year after
We have 1 each of: Brown Leghorn, White Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, DL Barnevelder, mottled Cochin bantam, Partridge Cochin, Buff Brahma bantam, Easter Egger, Rhode Island Red ( production red) rooster, and 2 silkies. The three chicks we just hatched a month ago are Mille Fleur D'Uccles, and cute as can be!

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