Avian Flu - What is it? Where is it happening?


Jul 11, 2015
Northern Illinois
This thread is meant to give people honest information about what Avian Flu is, and where it is currently happening. I believe that it is important to be informed. While influenza is a natural part of ecosystem, I would like to acknowledge my anger, and deep regret that as a society we have allowed unethical farming to become what it is... and that these outbreaks are a symptom of a system that is broken, unsustainable and pushed to its limits. Raising our own poultry is still one of the best ways to 'opt out' of that system.


What is it and why are people concerned?


Avian influenza strains are divided into two types based on their pathogenicity: high pathogenicity (HP) or low pathogenicity (LP). Out of the three types of influenza viruses (A, B, and C), influenza A virus is a zoonotic infection: they are infectious diseases that can naturally be transmitted to humans.

Most of the infections come from wild bird populations. Avian influenza is most often spread by contact between infected and healthy birds, though can also be spread indirectly through contaminated equipment. The virus is found in secretions from the nostrils, mouth, and eyes of infected birds as well as their droppings. Though the virus can spread through airborne secretions (particulates), the disease itself is not an airborne disease. Highly pathogenic strains spread quickly among flocks and can destroy a flock within 28 hours; the low pathogenic strains may affect egg production and overall health but are much less deadly. Some animals might not show any signs at all.

The avian influenza virus is a global concern as a potential
pandemic threat. A study published in 2012 in Science Magazine reported on research findings that allowed for the airborne transmission of H5N1 in laboratory ferrets. The study identified the 5 mutations necessary for the virus to become airborne. An airborne transmitted Avian Flu strain has the potential to cause great harm.


Please post any current incidents so that others might be aware.
Why do they say to keep chickens away from waterfowl? Does that mean like wild waterfowl or domestic waterfowl too?
Why do they say to keep chickens away from waterfowl? Does that mean like wild waterfowl or domestic waterfowl too?

All of the avian flu types are originally from wild birds. Many migratory birds are waterfowl. Because they migrate they are exposed to many locations, and water by its very nature harbors all types of life, especially microbial...

I should mention that this thread is not to frighten people, just to warn them if there is a threat in their area to take any precautions that they feel are necessary.

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