Avian influenza found in South Carolina

Wait. They let a fox with AI live? But they cull birds that don’t have it? Not that I want any animals to die. But if a chicken had it they wouldn’t have a chance to see if they’d survive. 😞
When I read that the wildlife rehab had that survivor, I figured maybe the USDA/APHIS/CDC or whoever would be using it for extensive testing. Would be interesting to see what becomes of it.
Edited to add: if they ever disclose what becomes of it. Very scary.
Hope this hasn't been asked a million times, I googled and went through about 50 pages of the thread and didn't find any mention, but does anyone know when "they" think it may subside? Or is there a consistent time of year that past outbreaks have dissipated? I'm in the northeast.
Hope this hasn't been asked a million times, I googled and went through about 50 pages of the thread and didn't find any mention, but does anyone know when "they" think it may subside? Or is there a consistent time of year that past outbreaks have dissipated? I'm in the northeast.
Don't know

2015 the last case was beginning of June, but it was only west of the Mississippi river. This time it's bigger
Hope this hasn't been asked a million times, I googled and went through about 50 pages of the thread and didn't find any mention, but does anyone know when "they" think it may subside? Or is there a consistent time of year that past outbreaks have dissipated? I'm in the northeast.
There is speculation that it ends in summer because the virus is killed by consistently high temperatures.
While logical I am not sure anyone actually knows.
We are all hoping that it goes away in June, but who knows? Michigan has halted shows and swap meets 'until no new cases for thirty days'. As good an idea as anyone's.
I too wonder what about the adult foxes involved in this story, and can only hope these kits are 'outliers', not a real emerging threat.
Meanwhile, our flock is inside still.

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