Avian influenza found in South Carolina

Given the numbers of people having poultry at home, and the number of commercial flocks, most of us haven't been affected. Wonderful! It's just that being one of the few is so very bad!
And I very recently talked to the person who lost their pet parrots, who were house birds. He was devastated, an awful event. And his outside poultry were tested often, and never were lost. Somehow came into the house, and having different things to wear at his poultry housing saved them.
So can we relax again when it's winter time, as the migratory birds have already made their way south, or this is just another part of raising poultry now? I think I got my biosecurity nailed down and my girls do not free range. I have dedicated shoes for run and then a set to walk around my yard. My hens are in urban area.
Based on this article posted earlier by @Molpet as well as the wealth of info in this thread, I’m thinking it may be part of raising poultry now. I would assume we’ll be closer to an answer when the actual fall southerly migration occurs. Like @raingarden said, a lot depends on where you are.

I’m in NC and have taken the tarp off a portion of my netting covered outdoor run because it needs reworking. I feel comfortable enough with just the netting, temporarily, during the warm weather we get. Your circumstances might be different. I’ve been hoping that AI was going to be done and then I’d be worry free for x years until the next outbreak. What I’m reading doesn’t support my hope.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa has confirmed the detection of avian influenza in three nestling neotropical cormorants found by Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) personnel responding to a report of dead birds in Eldorado Park in Scottsdale.


That was a few days ago and it's still not reflected on the aphis website. Troubling.
That was a few days ago and it's still not reflected on the aphis website. Troubling.
Yes, I saw that too. Their reporting has lagged behind. I think most backyard chicken folks would appreciate more info too. You have to seek out the reports from other sources and use aphis and local news reports to verify. :(

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