Awesome USPS story

Yep, I have gotten calls at 4am to come pick up chicks and one time even on a Sunday from the processing center about 45 minutes away. They are not required to but sometimes they will go out of their way. Postal workers are human too.
Recently I had a man show up on my doorstep on a Sunday afternoon. I opened the door and he said my name, and asked if it was me. I said yes, and he hands me a box. I realized it was eggs I had won in an auction here on BYC. The man was in plain clothes, and in his own car. He had take the time on a Sunday to come drop my eggs off to me. I was very happy, and I had an excellent hatch by the way. Sometimes people just go above and beyond, and I believe that this young man was probably the lady that works at the P.O.'s (I believe her name is Julie) son, and they decided to swing by and drop them off so they wouldn't be sitting at the P.O. until they got shipped out Monday. I thanked him, rather excitedly, and hurried my box inside. Now, if only more people were as thoughtful in this day and age, maybe society would be better for it!
What an amazing story of human kindness! I am so glad that you decided to celebrate this kindness by sharing it with BYC. There is some good left in the world today, but it is so rare that when it touches your life in any form or fashion, I believe it should be celebrated. Have you, by chance, sent him a thank you card? If not and you decide to, would you include "& All your friends at BYC" as part of your signature?
We need more people like him
The same thing happened to me on Sunday a.m. I was expecting my babies Mon or Tues and got home Sunday mid morning to a message on my machine from Nancy at the sorting center 30+ miles away...I was there and back within an hour! I wasn't going to KNOW my babies were that close in a box and leave them there for another 24 hours till they made it to my local PO! I didn't even have time to get stressed about them being my first chickies, either!!
I vote for Herbert as the rooster's name, too!

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