Ayam Cemani Sex

This is my first time with this breed. I got "her" (I was told she was a female) in November at 11 weeks. I'm now starting to question as for the past month we have seen the Ayam Cemani mounting my larger breed hens. At first I thought she was trying to establish herself a little higher in the pecking order, but it has continued. However this last week she's making odd sounds, not crowing but making longer sounds. I'm not so sure anymore that she is a she. These aren't the best pictures as they were taken today with the wind, but her wattles and ear lobes seem larger than other photos I have seen of the Ayam Cemani hens. She/he will be 31 weeks old tomorrow.
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Looks like a female to me. I have heard that breed can be a little more aggressive than some other breeds, so maybe she is trying to assert her dominance.
I may be crazy but aren’t the feather along the saddle long and pointy like a roo? I’ve had hens neck fluff and posture, chest bump, but never seen one mount another hen. Perhaps your chicken is a hermaphrodite?
That’s so funny! I just heard a commotion out back and I went running back there and my lavender Orpington was mounting my black copper Marans. They are both females!
Your pictures look like a female. I had a female Cream Legbar that was .. *confused*. She made odd noises and actually, occasionally crowed. She displayed and mounted my other hens. She also did not lay any eggs and was removed from the flock. Chickens can sometimes be hermaphrodite and will act this way due to testosterone. I do not think they are capable of actual breeding. You may have one of these. But, being a rare breed, unless she is injuring the other birds, I would just let her be weird.

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