Ayam Cemani

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For there to be a standard, the bird must be APA and/or ABA recognized. That is something that takes years, multiple breeders and many birds. Having a standard does not distinguish that something is or is not a breed. It is an arbitrary agreement about the characteristics and traits that something should have.

Not entirely true. The British have a perfectly accepable Standard for birds exhibited there. I believe there is an established Standard in Australia though they may use the British Standard. I also believe there are other written, established Standards in other parts of the world where neither the APA or the ABA hold sway. That said, IMO, a standard needs to be agreed to by some group with a common connection & it needs to be written so it can be transmitted beyond a local setting.
I assume in any part of the world where birds are shown in competition there is a standard agreed to by those involved. Seramas are new to the American Standard but there has been a standard for them in Japan fora long time.
You're correct, except that my answer was in response someone questioning why there is not a standard for cemani in the US. I'm well aware that other countries have perfectly legitimate standards, and I wasn't ignoring or denigrating them; they just weren't relevant in the context.
I hope this can help us,... i try to translate with my bad english, the original version is Indonesian.
Page source http://agro-online.blogspot.com/2004/11/kontes-ayam-kedu-cemani.html

Character Male Female
Head Shape
Long, Round. and flat
length 6,35 cm Hight 3,6 cm
black coat color and lots of thick color
Long, flat.
Lenght 5.7 cm
Hight 3,3 cm
Beak Black slab.
Length 1.8 cm, width 1.2 cm. Black Tongue, landslide, and black throat. Black slab.
Length 1.8 cm, width 0.9 cm. Black tongue, landslide, and black throat.
Combs Black Color Singular, wilah, ridges, thick. Odd jagged 3, 5, 7. 2.7 cm high. Length of 1.9 cm. Black color.
Gill Black Color Small ( no Gill ), black, smoth.
Eye Round and black. Round and black.
Neck Long Medium Medium
Neck Feather Black Black, thick
Body Shape Slanting to back Rectangle / rhombus.
Chest shape Wide and large, 12.5 cm long, 34.1 cm circumference, thick meat. Width
Weight 3 to 3.5 kg 1.5 to 2.5 kg
Wing Sturdy, strong, and hard feather, slanting Closed strong, flat wingspan / slanting
Tail Scooped up and down like a horse braid. Makes an angle of 30-45 degrees.
Stomatch Thin Width of 4 fingers, soft.
Back Thin Flat, wide, and strong.
Foot Claw length 10 cm Length of 6 cm
Gaff Under foot thick Under foot thick
Skin color & Meat raven-black raven-black
Feather Solid black overall Solid black overal
(sumber: Poultry Indonesia/2004)

Best Regards,....
I hope this can help us,... i try to translate with my bad english, the original version is Indonesian.
Page source http://agro-online.blogspot.com/2004/11/kontes-ayam-kedu-cemani.html

Character Male Female
Head Shape
Long, Round. and flat
length 6,35 cm Hight 3,6 cm
black coat color and lots of thick color
Long, flat.
Lenght 5.7 cm
Hight 3,3 cm
Beak Black slab.
Length 1.8 cm, width 1.2 cm. Black Tongue, landslide, and black throat. Black slab.
Length 1.8 cm, width 0.9 cm. Black tongue, landslide, and black throat.
Combs Black Color Singular, wilah, ridges, thick. Odd jagged 3, 5, 7. 2.7 cm high. Length of 1.9 cm. Black color.
Gill Black Color Small ( no Gill ), black, smoth.
Eye Round and black. Round and black.
Neck Long Medium Medium
Neck Feather Black Black, thick
Body Shape Slanting to back Rectangle / rhombus.
Chest shape Wide and large, 12.5 cm long, 34.1 cm circumference, thick meat. Width
Weight 3 to 3.5 kg 1.5 to 2.5 kg
Wing Sturdy, strong, and hard feather, slanting Closed strong, flat wingspan / slanting
Tail Scooped up and down like a horse braid. Makes an angle of 30-45 degrees.
Stomatch Thin Width of 4 fingers, soft.
Back Thin Flat, wide, and strong.
Foot Claw length 10 cm Length of 6 cm
Gaff Under foot thick Under foot thick
Skin color & Meat raven-black raven-black
Feather Solid black overall Solid black overal
(sumber: Poultry Indonesia/2004)

Best Regards,....

Thank You for the information. Your English is fine. We understand that to be Ayam Cemani they have to be Black inside and Black outside My question is, when breeding Ayam Cemani to another Cemani do you ever get chicks that are not all black , or not considered Cemani ? This is where the confusion is . Thank You again. Bill Marcy
Originally Posted by Cemani Farm

in my experience,.... i have never seen chicks with any other color, they are always black.

Hypothetically, let's say you hatched a chick from a Cemani x Cemani breeding with one white feather, would you call it a Cemani?
The only Breed that calls chickens a different breed based on color faults are Ameraucanas. Cemani Farm probably has no idea what you are talking about.

They would be Cemani but would not match SOP. SG Dorkings with color faults are still SG Dorkings, as an example.
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