Ayam Cemani

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Why should anyone have to prove to the satisfaction of a few folks here on BYC that their birds are what they say they are? His sales are on a different auction site and despite your flagging it they have chosen to let it run. Y'all are basically accusing this guy of fraud and that he is perpetuating something unethical and maybe even illegal just because you don't like his photos and regardless of how right or wrong this reads very nasty. This is coming off as very self-righteous and self-important. None of us have perfect birds and to claim that any of you could know every breeder of this or most breeds is really just silly. I too have chicks on order from Wolfwhyte but that's because those I can afford, regardless of what anyone would say of the quality and no one seems to know about him. Folks can sell and buy the chickens they want. These birds have been here for a bit before GFF got them and I'm sure Toni-Marie is not the only other person who has them. This is really uncomfortable to read. You have each made your point but he is entitled to not have to prove anything to any of you- you are not the BYC chicken police. Very sad
I have never claimed to know every Ayam Cemani line in the United States. However, the legitimate Toni-Marie Astin breeders are well documented.

There is more to this than is know to the public. So the warning has been made, now can we please move on and talk about Ayam Cemani and not spend time promoting auctions?
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