Ayam Cemani

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Allyn, before you attack Greenfire you may want to get your facts straight.

Greenfire does not say we are the only breeder of cemani in the United States. Go to our website. You won't find that claim. We can't control what other people say about our breeding program.

If by 'threatening traditional farmers in other countries' you mean pointing out that foreigners are smuggling in eggs in violation of federal law, then yes, we did that once in this forum in the past five years. We spend thousands of dollars per bird legally importing them. We are a small family farm --since you seem to be a fan of traditional farming-- that competes by following the rules. When foreign competitors are willing to break the law to compete against us, our farm is threatened and, for that matter, so is the health of America's poultry flocks. I'm sorry if you think it's poor form to point out that inconvenient fact.

I am very happy that You Guys take the risk to import rare breeds into the US legally. I have benefited from this process. The trick is to wait several years after You and the brave souls that buy them first make back the investment. Then the price of some really nice birds goes down and we all win.

I have the most amazing White Bresse flock now and it did not cost me that much.
Oh my :confused: I am just going to assume the best of all the BYC breeders. The only one I've seen that seems to be an obvious scoundrel is that original ebay scammer who didn't even have any Cemani eggs in the first place, but was happy to sell them for a quick profit.
I think you did not get your facts correct. I did not say you said you were the only breeder, I said the press was saying you were the only breeder, in fact the press quoted you saying, that you said you were the only breeder.
And I do find it strange when someone is selling one chicken for more money than a traditional farmer in Indonesia makes in year. And that you didn't bother to find out if he even had the knowledge that he would be breaking laws in the United States. For I know for a fact that he took great pains to learn his country's laws concerning shipping Chickens to other countries and he was under the mistaken belief That there would be a short quarantine for the eggs in the United States and then they would be delivered. For I think you understand The rules and regulations are rather complicated. Imagine the complications in a foreign tongue in the third world country. I personally think that it was very insensitive and lacked consideration on your part to accused someone on a public forum of smuggling when the penalty is many many years in jail in his country for smuggling.
You have been incredibly successful I only wish you would show more consideration for those trying to pull themselves out of poverty however misguided they may be In their first attempts.
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I think you did not get your facts correct. I did not say you said you were the only breeder, I said the press was saying you were the only breeder, in fact the press quoted you saying, that you said you were the only breeder.
And I do find it strange when someone is selling one chicken for more money than a traditional farmer in Indonesia makes in year. And that you didn't bother to find out if he even had the knowledge that he would be breaking laws in the United States. For I know for a fact that he took great pains to learn his country's laws concerning shipping Chickens to other countries and he was under the mistaken belief That there would be a short quarantine for the eggs in the United States and then they would be delivered. For I think you understand The rules and regulations are rather complicated. Imagine the complications in a foreign tongue in the third world country. I personally think that it was very insensitive and lacked consideration on your part to accused someone on a public forum of smuggling when the penalty is many many years in jail in his country for smuggling.
You have been incredibly successful I only wish you would show more consideration for those trying to pull themselves out of poverty however misguided they may be In their first attempts.

Actually, it's not complicated at all. The USDA bans the importation of eggs from Indonesia because they are concerned that the eggs might carry a form of avian flu that is found there and has a 60% mortality rate when it's transmitted to humans. Here's the link:

I am sure we shall all be happy when the egg hatching quarantine will be ready soon. So that the good people of Indonesia can benefit from one of their national prize possessions. Developed over hundreds of years for I'm sure no one would want to think that Extremely rich and successful companies were simply useing their every resource to exclude benefits to a people and Exploit one of their national treasures. Although I guess placing the highest possible price on the bird and having the power to create a bubble market actually ends up helping them right? At least for a while. And I'm sure that's what we all want?
I'm quite sure there's enough to go around for everybody. I am sure no one here would want to Exploit a Third World country it is just not our style and not American right? Never has been right? In this case the chicken may come first but the eggs soon follow.
Some of my Cemani. Lucky enough to have 4

bloodlines and ready to get to breeding.




I just think its kind of funny that some people are making such a huge deal about this.
Black to the bone birds are common across Asia.

My only guess is that the ban on eggs is the reason why they are suddenly valuable. That plus some media attention.
Good luck selling the birds.
Can I ask, how did anyone get these bids legally?
This ban has been in place for many years.

Also the mortality rate is NOT 60% for humans. Maybe 3% MAYBE.....
The only people who died from avian flu were the ones who are susceptible to any flu, the very old, very young and otherwise immune compromised.
Honestly this flu is just a bunch of hullabloo
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