Aylesbury Ducks (not mine) - is this egg binding?


Overrun with Runners
12 Years
Jan 3, 2010
Southern New England
I hope the Aylesbury ducks' people won't mind if I post this video - I have not seen this behavior though if I had to guess it would be egg binding. Could someone help brainstorm this?


One person I spoke with thinks there is an infection of the nervous system involved, so a strong antibiotic, like Baytril, along with Super B complex would be a treatment to consider.
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I had a goose with similar issues. I did plenty of warm bath soakings and eventually she ended up passing some weird blob thing. She was fine after that.
I don't feel that it is egg binding - more like ataxia - when an infection affects the nervous system. But I am not an expert, just trying to open this up for thoughts, ideas, experience.

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