B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I'm using a cockerel for this first breeding that was born 2/12, so this is my first time to see how he does.

Fingers crossed for you! My one & only broody is only 9 mos old. I was pretty surprised. They're due to hatch on the 9th. I wasn't going to let her initially but thought I would see if she sit it out. So far so good. She's determined! I'm hopeful the rest will follow suit this summer.

Cross your fingers for us again, trying for our second year with Dorkings!!! Getting our Silver eggs next month!
Out of 52 eggs, all 17 Delaware eggs were clears. He set 35 Dork eggs. 14 were not fertile. 6 quit early. 15 developed but only 9 hatched alive. 2 of those had difficulty getting out of the shell.

I have not had a chance to see how these would do with a broody. I had some dummy eggs in the coop and the hens did not show any inclination to set. My hens tend to get broody in the heat of the summer for some reason. I'm using a cockerel for this first breeding that was born 2/12, so this is my first time to see how he does.

Their diet has been a mixture of Layena and a rooster ration that includes fish meal, plus Calf Manna since last molt. I would think that would cover all the nutritional needs.

I can never get close enough fast enough during their mating to see if the mechanics are working.

Can you get them off of the layer pellet and onto a breeder pellet? If they have a vigor problem and are on a layer pellet, they might be having trouble with the shells. The breeder pellet might boost their general vigor while decreasing the extra calcium in the shell making the chicks tougher and the eggs easier to get out of.

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