babies grew up

Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
My guinea keets are ten(ish) weeks old and have mastered flying and are like small versions of Momma Guinea now. She went in the coop last night to roost, but they couldnt figure out how to go in the gate. Same gate it has always been.,,but now I have an electric fence around the pen...not the gate. Fence is off except at night- for exactly this reason. So, they went back and forth back and forth in front of the pen, trying to go in instead of going to the gate.
It was getting dark so I tried to herd them,,,,hahahaha..... around and around the pen we went, past the gate, one two three four old self was done with that foolishness.,, so I tried cornering them and snatching them up like I would any wayward chicken... ( learned NOTHING from getting my butt beat by Mama Guinea)...they reminded me of a covey of quail and flew straight up past my face- not over the fence, oh no that would have been too simple.So.. I grabbed the net.
Every rooster I own set off the ITS THE NET THE SCARY NET alarm, and the babies ran in to the pen. Up on to the coop roof, and up Mount Everest... well, the giant giant giant tree behind the coop. And they kept going ,,,, up up up... they perched on the highest branches they could in that darn tree. I am pretty sure they can see across the state of Alabama in that position.
Im not worried about any ground predator getting them way up there- sure do hope no owl decided it would like guinea dinner. I am sure Mama Guinea will call them down this morning- and hopefully they figure out how to fly down without ending up at the neighbors house.
Oh my goodness! You sound like me! It is so dang hot down here too! I live the next state over - your twin. I think if we get any hotter in MS or AL we are going to catch on fire. Every day for the last week my husband has been building our coop and run and he says well I thought yesterday was a barn burner but today it’s worse! It has been awful but Friday and Saturday were gross! Sunday is raining but no real relief. It’s going to be horrible and worse and I bet herding baby guineas last night was bad. Bet you wanted to shoot them or yourself. Leave the work to Mama Guinea. Good luck on Sunday Morning!
This week is supposed to be even HOTTER!!! Good luck to you and yours!
oh and as a side note- babies flew down yesterday morning just fine :)
My guinea keets are ten(ish) weeks old and have mastered flying and are like small versions of Momma Guinea now. She went in the coop last night to roost, but they couldnt figure out how to go in the gate. Same gate it has always been.,,but now I have an electric fence around the pen...not the gate. Fence is off except at night- for exactly this reason. So, they went back and forth back and forth in front of the pen, trying to go in instead of going to the gate.
It was getting dark so I tried to herd them,,,,hahahaha..... around and around the pen we went, past the gate, one two three four old self was done with that foolishness.,, so I tried cornering them and snatching them up like I would any wayward chicken... ( learned NOTHING from getting my butt beat by Mama Guinea)...they reminded me of a covey of quail and flew straight up past my face- not over the fence, oh no that would have been too simple.So.. I grabbed the net.
Every rooster I own set off the ITS THE NET THE SCARY NET alarm, and the babies ran in to the pen. Up on to the coop roof, and up Mount Everest... well, the giant giant giant tree behind the coop. And they kept going ,,,, up up up... they perched on the highest branches they could in that darn tree. I am pretty sure they can see across the state of Alabama in that position.
Im not worried about any ground predator getting them way up there- sure do hope no owl decided it would like guinea dinner. I am sure Mama Guinea will call them down this morning- and hopefully they figure out how to fly down without ending up at the neighbors house.
Oh my goodness! You sound like me! It is so dang hot down here too! I live the next state over - your twin. I think if we get any hotter in MS or AL we are going to catch on fire. Every day for the last week my husband has been building our coop and run and he says well I thought yesterday was a barn burner but today it’s worse! It has been awful but Friday and Saturday were gross! Sunday is raining but no real relief. It’s going to be horrible and worse and I bet herding baby guineas last night was bad. Bet you wanted to shoot them or yourself. Leave the work to Mama Guinea. Good luck on Sunday Morning!
This week is supposed to be even HOTTER!!! Good luck to you and yours!
oh and as a side note- babies flew down yesterday morning just fine :)
Great news! Glad to hear! I know you were relieved. We are putting up run wire today and I’m on a break and literally dripping. My husband has sent me into the a/c to prevent me from passing out. Geez. The good ole South!

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