babies out in the rain


7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
Hi All,

Anyone who watches the weather knows that we had a major rain event here in central TX last night. Will likely get more today. Not complaining we need it badly. I am being a newbie Mom though. My henhouse girls are great, but my 2.5 month olds are still in a chain link pen in the open. DH moved the big doghouse in for them since they don't really fit in the small one anymore. The pen was pretty deep in water last night. A couple on inches at least. When I went out to feed this morning everyone looks OK just a bit damp on the outer feathers. Nobody seems cold and their feed and the inside of the doghouse are dry. Should I be worried about them or are they really OK? They are dirty from the mud. I would let them out, but they are still small enough to be lunch for a hawk. Please advise.

Im in San Antonio. It stormed last night, and its storming again right now. The rain IS desperately needed but I feel so bad for my chicks. They've been going outside for most of the day and they seem happy enough. But they'll be cooped up in their brooder today. It's a pain for both of us. They'll be extremely bored i'm sure, an d I'll have a gigantic mess to clean up tomorrow. They've started flying out of their brooder. I've had to line the washroom with newspaper because they poop everywhere. Anyway. Good luck with the weather. I hope your babies stay warm, and dry. Don't forget to enjoy the rain. Who knows when we'll get it again.

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