Baby Chick has Deformed Feet?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 12, 2007
I noticed a couple of days ago that my 3WO chick has deformed toes. They curl sideways instead of the regular direction. They have stuck so close to the mother hen that I didn't get to look closer before.

It doesn't seem to affect her walking around and staying with the rest of the brood, and I have no intention of breeding him/her. If it's a roo, it will be dinner. If it's a hen, she'll just be an egg-layer, no breeding.

What caused this foot thing? Was there some way to prevent or fix it? If so, I'll go to the trouble of disturbing mother hen and chicks in my next brood of chicks to look for this foot thing.
* Recently read in an o/l vet manual that the curled foot problem in chicks is the result of a B-2 deficency in hens passed to the chick/s. Usually taping the foot to a cardboard shoe is the corrective recommended.
I just had one hatch out that looked like the toes weren't straightening out. I've heard of using pieces of credit cards for duck's feet, but I didn't want to do that with the chick. We used two squares of the foam sports tape, flattened the foot on one sticky side up, and gentle pressed the other on the top, sandwiching the foot inbetween. She's a little inconvenienced by her "bootie", but I think it will work. It's been less than 24 hours... I'll let you know how it goes.
did you get these from a hatchery or hatched from your own eggs? I;m having the same problem w/ a 3 month old (just found the deformity a couple weeks ago) from mcmurray. just wondering how this pullet will fare if i leave her alone. any ideas? she seems fine except her toes curl sideays.
Reviving this old thread because it applies to my baby. On one foot the toes curl sideways instead of straight. She seems to walk and roost OK. Do I need to do anything, or will she be OK? She is almost 3 weeks old.

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