Baby chick..minor hawk attack


5 Years
Aug 11, 2014
Vancouver, WA
So my three week old chick was attacked by what I'm assuming was a hawk. Found her making louder than norm noises and looking puffed up.
Found chick has a small punctured under wing and looked as though a lung was puncture... had a large sac of air trapped and could hear a weird sound when chick would chirp. I was able to clean both punctures and deflate the trapped air. Chick is eating and drinking back out with mom.
My concern is the chick is limping and seems slow. Is that most likely just due to the injuries? Am I just paranoid now?
You can put Neosporin WITHOUT pain reliever on the punctures! but if its lung was punctured it may not make it, best of luck!
I don't know exactly, but I know its bad for chickens! I had a hawk skin the back of a chicks neck and top of head, just cleaned it with warm water and put Neosporin on it an she healed up fast! I hope your baby pulls through!
Seems to be doing just fine. Little louder than the rest, figure she(guessing its a she) is a little sore and needy. Eating, drinking, running and jumping well. Very relieved.
Thanks for checking! :-D
Im so glad SHE
is doing well!!

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