Baby Chick not eating as much as the other baby chicks


Jul 17, 2016
Austin, Texas
We just got six baby chicks a couple of weeks ago, an Americauna, a Dominique, a Red Sex Link, two Rhode Island Reds, and a Buff Orpington. The Buff is the smallest one in the bunch and doesn't seem to eat as much as the others. Should I be concerned?
If you'd like to supplement her chick starter with other proteins, feel free. Offer chick grit as well.
I had 2 runts from my spring chicks and had no problem giving them the best possible start.
They love scrambled eggs, tuna, mealworms, pureed pumpkin, etc.
best wishes!
As long as she appears to be normal and is growing, there is no reason for worry.
My Leghorns are 10 weeks old today however they still seem very small next to my Silkies. I feed them a mix of cracked corn and laying feed. Crown of my chicks are just now appearing, is this normal?

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